
What is the penalty for letting an underage driver use a car?

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What is the penalty for letting an underage driver use a car?




  1. It probably differs by country.

  2. Child endangerment charges, a lawsuit if the car is involved in an accident, could get sued and lose everything they own.  Get a ticket, or even go to jail in some cases and the car gets impounded.

    Insurance doesn't cover underage drivers and the driver will also get a ticket for driving without a license.  (Just not a good idea)

  3. Did they have a Driver's License, at the time of accident or incident?

    Why would you let an child drive?

    If there was an emergency, where you couldn't drive and I would have my son flag someone down.

    The child can be charged with, driving w/o a license, and several other misdemeanor charges in district and juvenile court.

    The 12-year-old could face a variety of sanctions ranging from probation, to court-mandated community service and alcohol rehabilitation (if child was drinking), to commitment to the state Department of Human Services Division of Youth Services.

    It all changes when you the adult knows and gave permission to drive the vehicle.

    Could face charges of vehicular assault, child neglect and endangerment. Cases of child endangerment are handled by a wide variety of professionals, depending on where and how the endangerment was discovered. Medical personnel who notice signs of child endangerment can call CPS (Child Protective Services) to request an investigation by a case worker. Police officers, school officials and the courts are also involved, which can make child endangerment cases difficult to prosecute. Individuals who are convicted of child endangerment face imprisonment, fines and loss of custody of the children they have endangered.

    The penalties for endangering a child vary from state to state but can be very severe:

        * California: Imprisonment for up to 6 years

        * Illinois: Imprisonment for up to 10 years

        * New York: Imprisonment for up to 1 year

        * Texas: Imprisonment for up to 20 years

  4. They will probably wreck the car and leave it full of fast food containers and soda cans. Probably a bit smelly too and they will have thrashed the engine showing off to their friends.

    Bad idea altogether if you like your car.

  5. A ticket or jail time if they end up killing someone.

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