
What is the penalty for running away from home?

by  |  earlier

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My parents have been such jerks to me nonstop, and i am thinking running away from home. If they call the police by any chance, will i get arrested and have to go to court? i am 16 and live in maryland




  1. here read this.

    my guess is if you've never done it before and you've never gotten busted for drugs/alcohol or something like that then you shouldn't have to go to court.

    they might have like social workers come talk to you and your family and all that and if it is REALLY bad at your house, which i doubt it is..but if it is they might put you in a foster home. but thats taking a long shot there.

    it depends how long you're gone for too im suspecting. cause if you're just gone for a day and the police find you & you say you ran away from home they wont do anything, maybe a social worker but maybe not.

    if you're a good hider =) and they dont find you for a couple days or maybe even 2 then you'll probably be all over the news/tvs/radio's and you're picture will be everywhere. then thats bad. and you'll most definitely have to talk to a social worker. and maybe go to court..i dont really know for sure.

    my suggestion is if you're gonna run away from home write a note or something saying like mom & running away from home. then you're name. can do that if you dont want a hundred cops coming to look for you, orr if you want that attention to happen and be all over the news and stuff then just leave!

    i should probably be a "good girl" and tell you that running away is the wrong thing to do but im not gonna cause i know what its like having sucky/strict/jerk parents. and ive considered running away before too...many times.

    soo i guess good luck! haha. let me know how things turn out.

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