
What is the penalty for tampering with your passport?

by  |  earlier

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This is not about me, but a co-workers idiotic son tried to change his birth year on his passport to board a cruise ship and was arrested by Homeland Security. We're trying to figure out how deep in **** this kid is, since he violated a Federal Crime.




  1. well if he's of legal age, he could do prison time..., if not his parents may be held responsible, plus being denied a passport in the future for life is also a possibility

  2. click this link... it has everything you need to know.  at the very bottom of the page it talks about what the penalties are.

    he is probably facing atleast 10 years.

  3. It is a Federal Crime.  Very serious.

  4. Ask a lawyer!  But I'd say if he's under age, they will scare the sh*t out of him, and put fear in his parents as well.  If an adult, a fine or Federal prison at worst.

  5. he's really deep into it, he could go to federal prison, depending which offense number it is.

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