
What is the penalty for vehicular homicide in Ohio?

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A semi driver failed to slow at a traffic light and hit 2 vehicles stopped behind another semi driver who was stopped at a red light. Both vehicles were pushed into first semi and 2 people died. Paper said driver may be charged with vehicular homicide. This happened early morning. If no drugs/alcohol involved, what would penalty be? This was in my local news and a friend of friend heard crash.




  1. I beleive they may have a hard time proving it if drugs and alcohol were not involved. It was human error not vehicular homicide. Sometimes papers jump to judgement find out what evidence they have its up to prosecution to show burden of proof and second of all it must go in front of a grand jury to decide if their is a case. Local news papers job is to sell papers not solve crime. They must inspect the truck to see if there was any brake damages and weather conditions.

  2. It sounds like negligent vehicular manslaughter, as it wasn't a case of road rage and no drugs were involved.  It's a first degree misdemeanor.  It appears that if this person had been previously convicted or plead guilty to the a murder-related offense then his sentence is suspension of commercial drivers licence.  I would imagine that having to live with the fact of having killed two people would be sufficient punnishment for some.

    See the link cited below, for the bureaucratic legal explanation.

  3. I don't know what the penalty is, but I think the truck driver should get the death penalty. I strongly believe anyone who takes a person's life should ge there own life taken from them!!

  4. Probably manslaughter.  This type of accident happened where I live over Christmas.  A family of 5 were sitting at a red light, and a dump truck piled into them from behind and killed the whole family.  The driver refused to take a breathalyzer at the time, and was thrown in jail, while it was under investigation.  He has been charged with manslaughter, and recently got out on bail, as they say drunk driving was not the case, but excessive speed was. Should he be out on bail for a whole year until his trial gets underway???  Probably not.....but that is the justice system.

    Kills 3 little kids and the parents, and is out on bail to live freely until his trial starts...hmmmm......members of the deceased family are enraged, as would I be.

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