
What is the penatly for Credit Card Fraud?

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We're talking about 4,000 dollars. My wife apparently got a card in her moms name and didnt mention it to anybody until her mom found out yesterday. she didnt even tell me! Anyway, it has been turned over to the fraud department and now we're wondering what's next.




  1. Well I hope her mom at least called the card company and/or credit bureau to dispute the matter right away and add a safety/fraud feature to her report.

    The fraud department will do there bit to ensure that it really wasn't your MIL who did it. As for your wife, well she'll be in a wee bit of legal and financial trouble for her antics. One, even if her mom doesn't press charges, the fact that she did, she will be charged for identity theft. The punishment varies by state. Because she's over the $1500-2000 threshold she'll probably get a heavier fine/charge.

    If I were you I'd check your credit report too for any monkey business. Your wife needs to be a lot more diligent in how she handles herself, this can cause some serious legal consequences for her which can quickly evolve into financial consequences for both of you for a long time to come, not to mention the brokern relationship with her mom.

  2. in order for her mom not to be liable for that debt a police report has to be filed, then it's up to the states attorney to prosecute, which they usually will. depending on your state laws will determine the actual charge of the crime and penalties, also her criminal background is a major deciding factor. In my state anything over 2500 is a felony, sentencing is based on your criminal background. she will probably be charged with identity theft.yes you have every right to be furious with her, it's deceitfull what she did.can you forgive and forget this matter?if everyone around her doesn't hold her responsible for her actions what's to stop her from doing it again, especially if no criminal charges come from it. what she did with the money is irrelevant, fact of the matter is she benefited and deceived everyone around her. Me i wouldn't be able to trust that person, and what kind of relationship can you have once the trust is gone. i also believe in second chances once the person has truely shown remorse.

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