
What is the percent of children that develop into child geniuses?

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What is the percent of children that develop into child geniuses?




  1. Frequently, the answer is a little over 1 in 100 (it's actually defined according to standard deviations on specific tests), although different people use different definitions.  A 'high genius' is much rarer than a plain 'genius.'

    In terms of quick rules of thumbs:  A good student is the top 20-25%.  A gifted student is usually defined as the top 5%.  A genius is the top 1%.  A high genius is the top 0.1%.

    Note that at the highest levels, it's common to have a person who is clearly exceptional in certain skills but is merely smart in other areas.

  2. I personally think very, very little. In the order of 1-2%.

    A 'genius' is a word that is passed around so commonly nowadays that those who deserve the meaning, don't actually end up getting it, because so many people get in the way.

    On top of that, you have the 'super humans' like Leonardo Da Vinci. A lot of people think that he is the greatest mind who ever lived and there are only a few people who do that every millienium - he advanced the ideas of physics, arts, biology, chemistry, mathematics etc. all in one go. Far, far, far more than other human being has done in his time.

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