
What is the percent on tips when you eat out at dining restaurents?

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I was wondering what is the percentage on giving tips in restaurents where you would eat inside and have a waitress bring you your order. For example lets say you have a bill for 11.23 total what would my tip be?




  1. Whatever you do, don't do what Rachael Ray does--she's so cheap!

  2. $11.23  uh.. you dont tip at McDonalds

    Depends where you are in the world the custom is different in different places.  15% is pretty generous where i live (canada) but i went to hawaii last christmas and a lot of resturaunts there automatically put an 18-20% tip on your bill!!  AUTOMATICALLY! its terrible if someone gives you terrible service i a resturaunt where each person is buying a 60$ meal *5 people they automatically add 60 dollars to your tables bill.  

    if your at a cheap place and it costs 15 bucks or something but the service is phenomenal five bucks is a good tip.

    I hate using percentages because it really depends on service and just because one resturaunt charges three times as much why should the waitress at the crappy resturaunt make one third as much in tips.


    yeah in the states it sucks that your government taxes servers a lot and it is stupid when employers make you tip out based on percentage of bill rather than percentage of your tips.  But that is not my fault.  Tipping is kind of ridiculous that way. It is dumb how it is now expected to be a certain amount.

    Watch the movie "Resevoir Dogs" by quinen tarentino they have a discussion on tipping that is quite interesting.

  3. I generally give 10%. If the meal is VERY expensive, I give less.

  4. it depends on the service, if there is bad service dont give anything. Else for 11.23 i would give 11.50 max.

  5. You will usually tip around 15-20 percent so if you want to figure it out, just take the price of the meal and multiply it by the percent (15% = 0.15, 20%= 0.20) and take that resulting number and add it to the original price and you have your total.

  6. wow first let me say how truly appalled I am at some of these peoples' answers! (I live in US, if that's where you are fyi) Take a look:

    "The easiest and best way to calculate your tip is by doubling your tax. If the service was better than good then give a little more. So if your bill was $11.23 ... your tip should be around $1.60." ***Where in the world would they come up with that? That's literally and barely 15%, which generally should be the minimum-I mean if you're doubling tax of 6-7%, that only equals 12-14%. Um, no good.

    "it depends on the service, if there is bad service dont give anything. Else for 11.23 i would give 11.50 max.". First off, servers get paid minimum wage, which isn't $6+, it's $3+ per hour-why? B/c the government knows servers get tipped, they expect it-so do it! Never, not tip-that's horrible! Think about it, that person just waited on you for nothing? And most restaurants have a mandatory tipshare. Meaning, if you left no tip, they still have to tip out on that bill-so they're negative from you! And for "else" he's basically saying, leave 27 CENTS!?? WHAT?! lol is that a joke? That's something I'll find in my couch! sigh

    "I generally give 10%. If the meal is VERY expensive, I give less." First off, you shold know by now that 10% isn't even good at all. So, if his meal gets a more high price, the tip get's lower? That makes no sense-the higher your bill, the more the tip(the percentage should stay the same). ***If you can't afford to tip b/c the bill is too expensive, then you shouldn't be dining out to those highly priced places b/c tippings IS a part of going out. That's not to say you can't go out at all, just don't go to the ritzy places. You can still get good food for a decent amout.

    "Never tip based on percentage. Tip according to service. $1 for crappy service, up to $10 for exceptional service." Look, the only reason the percentages are there is because they're used as a reference for tipping. How can one just say whereever I go, I tip $5-it's ignorant. Your bill gets higher the more items you order, thus the more work your server is doing and thus the longer your at that table preoccupying it.  So, yeah, like I said, the higher your bill, the more you tip. I thought it was common sense. How can you have a prejudged tip when you haven't even ordered?

    As you can see, I've been a server at different places for a few years. No, it's not my career, but it pays my bills now. Anyway to answer your question, the percentage is a minimum of 15%, and there isn't a maximum. A good guideline would be to shoot for 18-20% for good service and 20+% for great service. * A good/easy wat to figure this out (don't double tax lol) is to figure out 10%, anyone can do that, you just move the decimal one spot to the left (EX: $25.00 check, 10%= $2.50 & $53.00 check, 10% = $5.30, etc). THEN you DOUBLE that to equal nearly 20%. (EX: a $25 check, you give $5.00 for 20% & $53.00, you give $10.60). From there you can add or subtract a little depending on service. I hope that made sense, I think it's the easiest for you to figure out and good for the server as well. Sooo, your $11.23 (really cheap bill, must have been breakfast or something huh?), your tip should be about $2-$3. Sometimes when my checks are that low, I'll round up another dollar, just because $2 just doesn't seem sufficient for anything, ya know?  =D

  7. I guess it all depends where you are from.  I live in South Africa and it is usual to tip between 10 & 15%.  For great service (which is difficult to come by here) 20% is about right.

  8. The easiest and best way to calculate your tip is by doubling your tax. If the service was better than good then give a little more. So if your bill was $11.23 your taxes must have been around .80 cents, double that and your tip should be around $1.60. But again if the service was really good and the food was made the way you wanted it then I would tip more.

  9. I think most people tip 10 or 15%, or 20% if they felt the service was exceptional. But it's really up to you.

  10. 15-20% is best depnds on where you live, I live in NYC and I know how hard my servers work so I always tip at least 20%. If I had a meal in NYC that cost 11.23 I would tip 2-3 dollars.

  11. Depends on local custom.  In U.S. 15% is average.  But in Europe it's more like 5%.  Not sure what they do in other places. Anyone?

  12. I usually tip 20%.

  13. Never tip based on percentage.  Tip according to service.  $1 for crappy service, up to $10 for exceptional service.

    It is no more work to serve a diner a steak than it is to serve a burger & fries.  I tip based on WORK DONE, not how much my food costs.

    Then again, I eat out maybe 3 times a year, max.  I'm not really into wasting my money like that.   Americans have gotten so lazy, they don't even cook for themselves anymore.  It's pathetic.

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