
What is the percentage of Muslims on an average flight?

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I want to know before booking an international flight.




  1. There is no answer.  It is different every time.  Maybe your flight will have a Muslim soccer team on board.

    I wouldn't worry about terrorism.  Believing that all Muslims are terrorists is like saying all Colombians are drug lords or all Italians are members of the Mafia or all Germans are n***s.

    Seriously, you have more of a chance of dying by a technical malfunction or pilot error; and these are pretty slim compared to the cab ride to the airport.

    Stop supporting the terrorists with your fear.  Without fear they are nothing.

  2. Actually a good question. That is information that should be available.

  3. When I flew Hadj charters, we were 100% Muslim in the cabin. We got there and back OK every time.

  4. If you assume that Muslims are going to be terrorizing your plane, I would say a flight with more muslims will be safer.

    Anyway, i think you are ridiculous to be considering this.

  5. Depends on the flight. A flight to Saudi Arabia will probably have more Muslims than a flight to Buenos Aires.

    If you're concerned about terrorism, get over it. Seriously.

  6. How soon ya leaving? Not soon enough and stay out!!!

  7. id say about 10%, i dont see why that has to do with you booking a flight? lemme guess u think every muslim is a pyscho terrorist? well we are not so quit assuming things about my relgion when you have no clue man

  8. I don't really care what a persons beliefs are, but if I'm on a plane and any a**hole tries to pull anything, this is one passenger that will fight back.

  9. hmm...i didnt know that intolerant ppl like you were actually interested in leaving America.

    I know you were trying to be funny but you actually suck really hard.

  10. About 80% and they crash planes into buildings every day. Seriously, you didn't hear about the 15 planes that were flown into buildings over the past 4 days?

    Seriously though, don't be an idiot. You have religious fanatics in every group. h**l the Oklahoma City Bomber was a white guy who considered himself Christian trying to start a racial war. So are you gonna avoid driving around white people because of him?

  11. 0%, they have all blown up already

  12. Being myself a proud atheist, I must agree with the first answered who says to be a proud Muslim: You are wrong to associate Islam with terrorism.

    You are wrong because by doing so, you do exactly what Al Qaeda asks you to: Increase the tension between the Islamic and the non-Islamic worlds. The best way to fight terrorism is to invite a Muslim at home for a good dinner and learn about his culture. The entire world know about Coca Cola and Mc Donald. What do you know about foreign cultures?

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