
What is the percentage of energy consumed by a computer in "Stand By" mode?

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When you turn your computer into "Stand By" mode,I would like to know how much the energy is saved in percentage.However,it seems like the computer is resting in low power...




  1. 7 watts at stand by.

  2. That totally depends on the computer, my lop top uses less than 1 watt when on standby, however I turn it off when not in use.

  3. If you are putting the computer into stand by, you might as well turn it off. I personally use a power strip and after it is shut down, I hit the switch there, that shuts down the peripherals and protects the computer in case of power surge.

    I Have 3 computers and just by doing this, I actually have noticed a significant difference in my bill.

    Bless you for thinking GREEN

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