
What is the perfect age to get married?

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What is the perfect age to get married?




  1. At least two years after you realize you are in love.

    If it is a good idea now, it will still be a good idea in two years. Trust me on this!

    Good luck!

  2. 36.

    By then you are finished with college. You have built a career.  You have traveled. You have made mistakes and learned from them. You have established good solid friendships. You have bought at least one home.

    Okay, you can get married now.  But if you don't your life is still whole and you are content.

  3. There is no one perfect age. Once you have found someone you truly love, and truly loves you, and you have made plans for life financialy and emotionaly. If you want a specific age, My parents got married when my dad was 30 and my mom was 27, but i would say anytime after college. maybe 23-28, i guess.

  4. None, it's different for everyone. I got married when I was 28 and Im glad I waited but for others it could be later or sooner.

  5. There is no best age to get married. Get married when your ready and have a good job so you can have a family.

  6. if you're a woman, then id say about 23 you should get married and in about 1 or 2 years start thinking about having a baby. if you're a man id say get married at 25 and have a baby at 26. lol i just like those numbers for some reason... feel free to disagree... :D

  7. well it depends on the people like im not being racist or anything here since i am an arab but most arab girls will get married between 19-23 and the guy would be like in his mid 20's for other girls like Asian girls they usually get married around 25-27 and for north American girls i think its in there mid 20's so i guess there is no perfect age

  8. There isn’t exactly a perfect age; it really matters on the person's maturity level, how long they have been together, and much they are willing to put into the relationship, ect.

    But averagely, 25 is a good age.

  9. Actually, there's not a perfect age. I know people who marry at 21 and even 51. I guess you can't tell love to wait or "not to drop by". Love and marriage happens no matter of age.  

  10. I believe it is any age after 24. You have started and are in college, maybe finishing. Perfect time for a relationship.

  11. there is no perfect age its just when you find someone you fall deeply in love with and you think you are ready to handle your life and someone else's while you are at it

  12. When you find the person that you love enough that you can see others that you are attracted to but are faithful to that one without regret.

    For some it can happen at 20 and others never

  13. when you have a education.....and a roof over your head and at least money in the bank for rainy day....and a mate that agrees with the the first 3 prerequist..and love on the top.

  14. any time after you've both gained a serious amount of maturity and know you truly love one another. it could be 19, it could be 69! people nowadays get married at all ages once they're adults.

  15. Hola Darwin!!!

    Para mi no hay una edad especifica, ya que todos maduramos en diferente tiempo. Depende de lo que queramos para nosotros en la vida y de encontrarse preparado y predispuesto a vivir en pareja, que no es facil...

    Espero estes bien..

    Saludos y suerte!!!


  16. 23 years, 8 months, 21 days, 14 hours, and 8 minutes.

    There is no perfect age.  Depends on when you're mature enough to make that decision and truly in love for the right reasons.  My dad thinks I'm getting married too young (at 23 years), but I know plenty of people who are getting married younger than me.  Plus, I feel more ready, since we've already made plans for life, including financial.  

  17. That depends on the maturity of the two getting married.

    i can tell you right now i got married WAY too young and inexperienced. my first marriage was horrible. the only great thing to come out of it was my son. i had only JUST turned 20 when we married.  we divorced 2 yrs later.

    i remarried when i was 24, still young, but a helluva lot more experienced. i had been a single mother working 3 jobs w/ZERO support from my ex w/my son. i grew a lot in 2 yrs time.

    my husband and i have been married now for almost 8 yrs. he's my best friend. i learned a LOT from my first s***w up.

    i think what is more important is NOT age, but character, maturity and independence.

    if you don't know who YOU are yet as an individual, cannot care for yourself w/out someone holding your hand or are emotionally immature then getting married is not a great idea for you.

  18. when you meet that special someone that you know and you're absououtly sure you want to spend your life with...that's the perfect age. (:

  19. your a guy, you should at least be 26-27. you should be able to support your family, can provide food, money, allowance... you can give a better future to your family, kids,... you should know how hard the life is today so you should make the right choice

  20. There isn't a perfect age. You have to be able to be mature enough to handle what comes along with marriage..dealing with finiances, fights, work, babies, and more. Whenever you feel you can handle that and when you are truly in love then you are ready to walk down the aisle.

  21. when your ready. emotionally financially and you have lived on your own before and know who you are and compfortable with yourself. whenever yo have all that you are ready. but thats why its different for everyone. some people have all that at 18 or most of it and some never do, hence they never get married or it doesnt work out. but everyones different just keep those things in mind


  22. There is no perfect age and I see the person below me said the same thing, but this is my thinking. For some, they may never get married and even people in their 80's and 90's get married. If you are in a healthy relationship, then I would say to finish school, including college or a a Vo-tech school, save your money if you are even thinking of marrying and I would get married 21 or over. (preferably over 21) Maturity , for some, comes late or never, so you must both be mature  to handle the rigorous life of marriage , children and finances. There is so much to explore in life and you will want to have that freedom to explore BEFORE you consider marriage.

  23. 22.not too young.not too dont wanna be to old and not able to do anything with your kids.but you dont wanna be too young either cuz you still have stupid stuff in your life that has to be done.and 22 gives you one year of legal drinkin to realize how much drinkin is not really a great idea

  24. There isn't really a perfect age for marriage. It depends on the persons involved and many other factors. Some people never get married.

    I, myself didnt get married till I wa in my mid 30s. It all depends on many different circumstances. Just dont rush it, because we most certainly don't need more divorces and what's worse children without father or mother.  

  25. There is NO perfect marriage or age to get married everyone is different and everyone has they're own problems

  26. i wanna get married when im

    23 or 24 :]

    cause after im 21 ill have a few years to travel with my love.

    And being togeather for 3 years in different contries would teach me how it would feel like to live togeather.

    and if i love the 3 years in different countries with my love then i know its meant to be :]

  27. It's not really a matter of age, it's more about if your ready for it. Are you financially set? Are you mature enough to handle married life? Do you have a place to live? Do you have a job? Are you in love?

  28. There isn't a perfect age to get married. To each their own. Some think it's when they turn up pregnant, so believe after school. It depends on each person and their goals, dreams, and a lot of it is how they them self's were raised.  

  29. Whatever age a person finds another whom he/she respects, trusts, communicates with and whose happiness is essential to their own happiness. It could be sixteen or 95 - age has nothing to do with relationship - age is a marker by which we allow ourselves to be limited only if we limit our expectations - the universe is vast and strange and wonderful and accomodating - be yourself or be nobody.

  30. Any time after 26 that gives you time acted your college graduation to spend your time settling into your respected field or preparing for whatever comes next and getting your self together financially. You know after paying off debts and student loans and things like that.  

  31. im 23 and just got married after being engaged for 5 years, whenever you feel like you found the right person then go for it!

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