
What is the perfect or most desirable temperature and humidity settings for a Red Tail Boa terrarium?

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My boa has recently been through troubles with mites in which it received a shot of ivermectin which did the job perfectly. A few days later is was still sluggish and I was able to hear clicking/popping noises as she was breathing. I also noticed that her head would be elevated frequently and after some research I diagnosed her with a respiratory infection. I now have just about finished the 10 shot antibiotic regimen. Her condition has improved drastically and she happens to be extremely more energetic! As for feeding, she was also sluggish to wrap around her pre-killed mice as I thought she may have caught onto the fact that they are not alive. Yesterday when she fed, she gobbled up her meal in no time!

My only problem still exists... I continuously read about basking temperatures needing to be around the 90s which I have set up.

Can anyone explain where to put a heat warmer, under the cage or inside under the Aspen?

Where should I position the UVA/UVB lamp on the cage?




  1. i hav a red tail pastel boa and hav brought a 125w exo-terra solar glow light bulb and light glow lamp i have put it nearly 30cm above the tank and have a thermometre about 3 quartres of the height of the tank and in the middle wedged between the wood to get a good temp of 88 so if she wants 2 bask at a slightly hotter temp she can just climb abit higher and if she wants a cooler spot she can go lower, i also hav a small heat mat under the tank with a thermastat, the thermastat is positioned with the thermomiter so that when the light is on the mat will turn off and at night when the light is off the mat will turn on and i hav the mat set at 83 but the mat only covers half of the bottom of the tank so if she wants a cooler place to sleep she can and i have found this to be great for her. i hope this helps. oh and boa's even though they are nocturnal animals do in the wild spend a good time in the high tree tops during the day sleeping so do need uvb and uva to keep them healthy and this will also help them with metabolic bone disease, ensure appetite, activity, brilliant colours, and calcium absorption through Vitamin D3 production so never think that because they are a nocturnal animals that they do not need the goodness from the sun. get a exo-terra solar glow light its amazing and only about £20 totally worth it. jo xx

  2. Attach the uth to the underside of the glass at one end of the tank. I should go uth->glass->substrate from the bottom up.

    You should switch from a uvb/a to a ceramic heat emitter as boas are nocturnal and naturally have no use for supplemental lighting.

    As far as positioning I like to just put it over the tank on the cooler end high enough up that it keeps the temps right inside the cage. This sometimes requires a stand and a post.

    Personally I keep my reptiles in a room where the temps are kept at 83 degrees all the time so I don't usually worry about heat lamps

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