
What is the perfect temperature degree that I can ask for at a coffee place?

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As in a temperature that the coffee will not burn my mouth, or make me wait forever til it cools a little. And a temp that is not so cold the coffee become gross and pointless. Any suggestions?




  1. Home brew coffee makers generally brew coffee between 135-140F.  Restaurants generally serve coffee brewed at 155-160F as coffee may sit for several minutes before a server actually serves it.  Do you remember the McDonald's lawsuit from 1992.  That cup of coffee was served at 180F and scalded that woman from New Mexico.  She was hospitalized for 8 days and underwent skin grafting surgery.  

  2. I would say 120 degrees F would be a tepid temperature. Just ask them to either put more milk or cream in or to froth your milk for less time.

  3. 65 degrees celcius.

    Between 60 and 70 is ideal, 70 and over burns the coffee and gives it a bitter taste.

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