
What is the persistence of neem the pesticide???

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ok neem is used as an insectcide i want to know its persistence (how long it stays in thye environment before breaking down)




  1. This was actually harder to find that I thought it would be! I've looked up half-lives and environmental fates of pesticides before and this one was more tricky...

    Anywho, here's what I got!

    AZADIRACHTIN = neem by the way! Pesticide breakdown rates vary A LOT based on how much light they are exposed to, whether they're in soil or water or neither.... This gives you a ROUGH idea....


    "Breakdown of Chemical in Soil and Groundwater: Potential for mobility in soil is very low for the formulated product Azatin-EC. Accumulation in the environment is not expected (238).

    "Breakdown of Chemical in Surface Water: The formulated product Azatin-EC which contains the active ingredient azadirachtin is considered a water pollutant. It breaks down rapidly (in 100 hours) in water or light, and will not cause long-term effects (238).

    "Breakdown of Chemical in Vegetation: Azadirachtin is considered non-phytotoxic when used as directed (232). "

    This is a little more technical, and if you are at a university, you can probably get the specific article...

    Anywho,hope that helps!

  2. probably until the first rain.or after enough dawns

    it is organic ,and like anything organic will decompose quickly so

    maybe a week .

    Nicotine that is used as a tincture in water to get rid of ants works as you apply it .but after a few days or a week it is gone.

    Neem would be similar

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