
What is the personality like on Siamese cats?

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Hi there, I have always had a very basic domestic housecat. I am looking at adopting a kitten, and it is a siamese. Can anyone tell me about the personality of a Siamese cat? Is it different than basic domestics?




  1. I do not know much about the personality of a siamese cat, but I do know that they are short-haired and do not shed much. We had a siamese cat for awhile and he was very active and playful.

  2. Siamese are very intelligent, playful, curious, and affectionate with their owner.  They usually prefer one person over all others, and they will follow you around like a dog (I joke that mine heels) and just want to be with you most of the time they're awake.  They love to talk and love to be talked to.  Mine hangs on my every word, and he loves to be cuddled.  I think they have all the good traits of both cats and dogs, only they smell better (than dogs).

  3. Hope this helps. :-)

  4. Sometimes it can all just depend on how you raise a siamese kitten, or just their personality that can differ from any other cat.

    I have 3 Siamese, all from the same litter, and they all have very different personalities.

    My seal point is very lazy, and doesn't like to be held very much. He likes to ignore when you call him, but of course, when he's in the mood he'll allow you to love him. He also isn't very social, he doesn't like strangers and will usually hide.

    My flame point has tons of energy, loves to play, and is very social. And just like my seal point, she will only allow you to cuddle and love her when she wants you to. She can also become very jealous if your attention isn't on her.

    And last but not least my Lynx point will let you cuddle and love her anytime you want, and has lots of energy as well. She also is very social and loves people other than her family members. She's just really sweet.

    But one thing ALL Siamese have in common is they are very vocal.

    Hope I helped a bit, and good luck with your kitten. :)

  5. YES...

    they talk more.

    they choose ONE person who is THIERS and sometimes will not have anything to do with others in the family.

    They are VERY smart... you can even teach them tricks. like fetch.

    Some are cross eyed... and bow legged... really cute.

    I have one (mismarked) now and have others in the past... they are my very favorite cat.  

    I prefer the apple head instead the ones who have a wedge V head.

    just a personal choice.

    good luck... (I am jealous!)

    All my siamese were cuddlers!

  6. Yes they are different than a domestic cat and a lot more intelligent. Although, sometimes you can end up with one that does some of the weirdest things for a cat to be doing. You either will get a smart one or a weird one.

    Unless I just happened to get a weird one.

  7. siamese cat can be verey picy and some times mean but if you love them treat them like your other cat i dont thank the will have a problem. they will have to esablish there boundres with eche other but the should get along jest fine my auint had one it got along with the cats that were not siamese.

  8. They are a bit different than a regular domestic cat.  The biggest difference is that they talk alot!  Meaning they meow a lot, but if you don't mind it then they are great cats.  They can be a bit aloof and independent at times, but if you are willing to wait till they are ready to be pet and loved then they are great companions.  They are not really cuddlers at all, but they like to sit next to you and get some love. :)  I love Siamese, but Himalayans are the best.  They are 2/3's Persian and 1/3 Siamese...a fantastic mix if you ask me!!!

    BTW...Siamese shed just as much as any domestic cat!

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