
What is the petrol price (per lt.) today in Aust. and 10 yrs ago ?

by  |  earlier

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Just for comparing purposes..




  1. broke the $1.60 per litre mark this week

    and when i was 4, i remember it was as low as 69c a litre, i remember watching to price chasing the litres and now it's switched around.

    living has become a lot more expensive.

  2. Just filled up $1.59.9 per litre can't remember 10yrs ago but a h**l of a lot cheaper.

  3. I'm on The Goldcoast and today unleaded is $1.49 per litre. I filled up on Tuesday which is our cheap day for $1.37. 12years ago I remember it being on our cheap days between 50 and 55 cents per litre so probably 10 years ago about 70 cents. Queensland has a government subsidy of 7 cents a litre so other cities in Australia would be about 7 cents higher.

  4. today...... expensive

    10 yrs ago....... cheap!

  5. About $1.50 today and about 80 cents 10 years ago in Qld where it is a bit cheaper due to less state tax.

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