
What is the phoenix?

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what is this mythical creature? where did it come from?




  1. its a bird in flames

  2. Ganesha or Ganapati is an extremely popular God in India. People mostly worship Him asking for success in undertakings, and intelligence. He is worshipped before any venture is started. He is also the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine arts.  

      The Banshee was a spirit of the fairy folk. If a person was talented with the fairy arts which were dance, song, or art she would follow them in life. When such a person neared death the Banshee's wailing was forwarning.


        This creature looks like giant lizard with four pairs of legs. It's gaze will turn any living creature to stone. This creature comes from medieval legends.


        also known as the yeti and various other names. This large manlike creature is said to dwell in the hills and mountains of the wilderness. Often described as being covered with hair and standing 8-9 feet tall. Legends of the Bigfoot have been around for centuries. Except for some odd footprints, some hair found on a branch, or strange blurry pictures, it is still not known if this creature really exists.

    The name Nandi, which means "happiness," designates the sacred bull belonging to Shiva, the Hindu god of creative power. In traditional Indian sculpture Shiva is often shown mounted on or leaning against the animal. As a symbol of Shiva, the Nandi represents power, virility, joy, and delight, as well as a controlled potential for destructiveness. When carved as a free-standing figure, the Nandi is always shown in a resting position that emphasizes the calmer aspect of its power. Nandi images are found in abundance at Shiva temples. Royal patrons often vied with one another for the honor of creating the most massive Nandi figure. The largest examples in India are twice the size of the 6', 7.5 ton Nandi in the Sculpture Garden. This Nandi, however, is the largest ever to leave India. In 1969 the Art Association purchased it with the cooperation of the Indian government and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The work was rededicated in 1997 in honor of the 50th anniversary of India's independence.

    A bird who sings a beautiful song and carries human prayers on its wings to heaven. When the Pheonix dies, it dies in fire and from this fire, a new Pheonix rises from the ashes.

  3. I think it originated in African/Arabian legends, but I'm not 100% sure. There is also a similar creature in Chinese and Persian legends.

  4. It's a fire bird.  It's tears can heal a person who is dying or whatever.  It never really dies.  When it's fully matured it self-destructs and turns to ashs and starts all over again (is reborn).  It comes from china.

  5. OMG u don't even no wat a Phoenix is???

  6. It's a beautiful red bird and when it gets a certain age, it bursts into flames and revives's tears have healing powers.

  7. Um it's kinda like a bird but magical.When they die they burst into flames and little phoenix baby comes out of the ashes.There tears can heal any thing and they can carry any up to 5 humans.And i dont know were they come from ...sorry.

  8. The legend of the Phoenix has been around for centuries. There are a few variations, but the basic idea is this: The Phoenix is a supernatural creature [bird-like], living for 1000 years. Once that time is over, it builds its own funeral pyre, and throws itself into the flames. As it dies, it is reborn anew, and rises from the ashes to live another 1000 years. Alternatively, it lays an egg in the burning coals of the fire which hatches into a new Phoenix, and the life cycle repeats.

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