My understanding is that if the cue ball and object ball are close together and in line with the pocket, and if the cue ball is stroked with follow through, the ONLY way you can get both balls to travel at the same time at about the same speed and roughly the same if your cue tip contacts the cue ball twice. Is that not the proof of a double-hit foul? On a legal follow shot, the object ball takes off well before the topspin propels the cue ball forward...correct? I encounter this situation occasionally and the call is usually met with "Bar rules!"...but does anyone know of any bar rules, published, posted or otherwise, where foul shots like this are specifically indicated as acceptable? My understanding is that this is a foul under basic pocket billiard rules (like that stupid scoop-under "jump" shot) regardless of whether you're playing bar rules or the real rules and that it's just overlooked because bangers have never bothered to actually read the rules.