
What is the place in Italy for me to live?

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I will move to Italy after finishing high school and I want a place where theres a lot of shops,people,nice apartments,and cute guys lol.




  1. Rome, Italy or Venice, Italy.

  2. Como is extremely nice and it's a stone's throw to Chiasso, Switzerland.  Get a post office box in Chiasso and you'll get your mail much more quickly than in Italy.

    And Swiss chocolate...

    And there is a restaurant that serves a fantastic calzone!  I still remember it plainly after thirty years!

    And the buses are quite prompt.

    And, of course, Lake Como!

    Check it out; you'll be glad that you did.

  3. hello... I'm Italian and I'm writing from italy...

    i live in the nier of venice... do you know venice? is an amazin place... but there are also lot of turists ... and you can't going on whit that!

    i also have been in rome... there are lot of shops but the people there are very unfrendly....

    if i were you... I'D going too FIRENZE ( florence)

    bye bye... please don't be angry.... i ''learn'' english at school and I don't speek very well english..


    i'm 13

  4. Look my dear, I have been all over Italy.  You name it -- I have been there.  Lake Como is a bore for someone with some class, unlesss you can get into the high society of the villas.  If you are adventureous and youthful (seem to be) got yourself to Milan or Rome--- for the big city experience, maybe Genoa for all-around Italian setting, near great beaches and lovely little mountain towns, or consider -- under-rated Naples for heat and excitment and hot men who are animals.

    Bari is a nice seaport town with access to Greece, but I would go to the Island of Sicily for the balanced best of all that is Italian.

    Venice is a must to visit, but the men are opportunistic, good for a night or two, not more.

    Verona is sort of in the middle of city, close to Milan and Venice, and medium sized, not too touristy, shy men, compared to the rest of Italians.

    You have a delightful problem.

  5. You are going to go to a city.  Just pick your size from Rome and Milan (best for shopping) down to say Bolonga, or Genoa....small than that shopping drops off, but the men are everywhere.  Cheers.

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