
What is the point? Why did my ex-girlfriend contact me after 2 years, only to not hear from her again?

by  |  earlier

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After (2) years she finds me on facebook, (we’ve been broken up longer though). She sends me a friend request with no message.

I accepted and I wrote her a general “how you been,” message; she reply's back the same day, telling me about her life since, and asks about me; girls in my life, etc... (We’re both now single, myself recently).

I replied back, (just light conversation); no reply since. Not really mad, just confused.

Why contact me to begin with? And why no response back after asking questions about me? (This is what is confusing me the most).

I would really appreciate all your non-biased peoples’ opinions, advice, personal experience, etc… about this.

It has only been 4 days since I have heard from her, but still, seems kind of weird. (If just wanted to be friends, why not reply back)?

(Background; very serious relationship lasting for about 2 plus years, over 3 years ago).

One thing I know, this doesn’t have to do with her wanting a high friend count on facebook.




  1. I'd say she was just being friendly the girls in your life question, doesn't really mean much but something to talk about or it could be of particular interest. I always ask that of old friends after catching up a while and i also been asked, although it's just interest.

       Is strange that there was no further contact, unless she is either interested again, thinking it over or trying to figure out her next step and how to go about it.

       She could be busy...or trying to make it look that way, you know, see if you keep trying to contact her.

         You have 2 ways to play it, if you are interested contact her a few more times, the more you try, she'll know your interested or sit back and wait to hear from her.

          Either way, somebodies got to make the first move.

  2. Some people collect friends on facebook like people collect points on YA.  I'm 57 and I've had requests from people I was in 9th grade with!  We exchange an email each and that was it.  Our lives have gone different directions and we really don't have anything else to say to each other but it was nice to say hi!  This person had over 300 people on their friends list.

    How do you know for sure she's not wanting a high friend count??

    If that's not what she wanted, perhaps she was testing the water to see if there was still some interest on your part.  It almost sounds like that's what you're hoping!  

    She's part of your past........leave her there!  There's a reason why people from your past don't make it to your future!

  3. Why do you care if you don't have feelings for her anymore?

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