
What is the point behind the PROSPERITY signs at the Republican National Convention?

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It almost seems like Republicans want to brag about how they are richer then everybody else, as if it isn't obvious... and they call Barack Obama an elitist.




  1. These people believe that by having signs, they will become prosperous, in lieu of a plan.

  2. It's sort of like subliminal messages to the people watching.

    You see "prosperity" and it sinks into the back of your mind that by voting for them you too will be prosperous.

    Good job!  You noticed it therefore you are not prone to mindless brainwashing by the right.

  3. The RNC will attempt to make the American people forget all about the last eight years under Republican and Bush control for the warm and fuzzies. However; with high unemployment, home foreclosures, jobs outsourced, education unaffordable and the national debt; those signs are just myths.  

  4. They are referring to the prosperity of Corporate CEOs and not the American People , who say that they are worse off than they were 8 years ago. If they held up a sign that said, "The sky is green" , everyone at the Convention would try to convince us.

  5. You're a faux poster.


  6. Was it the republican convention tonight??? I never saw any signs with the words "Republican" anywhere tonight. Weird, its like tonight never happened just like how the last 8 years never happened.

  7.   Money ,money ,mOnEy

  8. Well if that is the case...why did the dnc convention cost THREE times more??? Who is really bragging.

  9. The signs were put up to ward off evil.

    But they fail to realise that the majority of it is contained in that room and the Oval Office.

  10. That's not the point.  The point is that McCain's policies will bring prosperity to the nation.  Obama's policies will leave everyone less prosperous.  And I do think he is an elitist, a person who says one thing and does another, a person who associates with domestic terrorists, and someone who, because of the media's coronation, was nominated when Hillary Clinton was the better nominee.

    By the way, what has your liberal congress done for us?  In case YOU'RE too dumb to figure it out - nothing, you stinking liberal idiot.

  11. prosperity for big oil, that is.

  12. "Prosperity" has actually become kind of a code word within the ranks of right wing conservative ranks over the past few years:

    In short, it's not some innocuous term and the people behind it have a very clear, right wing agenda.  Search for "Americans for Prosperity" and "Prosperity Project."  Once you get off the sites that belong to those who have co-opted the term, you will find some interesting players and some very conservative views.  In short, you'll learn a lot. I don't know if AFP was actually behind the signs, but it wouldn't surprise me.  

    Here is a video showing McCain being booed at an Americans for Prosperity rally in Michigan earlier this year:

    Apparently, they've made peace with the idea of John McCain as the GOP nominee now -- but it's not as if AFP would have ever backed the Democratic nominee anyway.

  13. I smell liberal class envy emanating from your question.

  14. You hit the nail right on the head. McCain/Palin would be one of the worst things that could happen to this country.

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