
What is the point in Wasps?

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Their seems to be no point in wasps. They just buzz around ad sting people. can anyone tell me why we need wasps?




  1. wasps are just a copy wright of bees

  2. I have no idea what's the point in them. There's a lot of bugs that have no use.

  3. To remind retards that you shouldnt anger things that have the power to stab you.

  4. To keep us on our toes in September. To give us something to kill and enjoy killing without feeling slightly guilty.

    Wasps come straight from h**l. They're little flying bits of stripey evil. I hate the little b******s. Sit still and they won't harm you? - bollocks!

  5. They evolved from the thing that linked ants to bees. Nature gives you bee pollination and so a basis for agriculture and so civilisation. And the downside is a few spoiled picnics.

    Or, as a more glib answer, its sting is its point.

  6. No one "needs" wasps. Horses and cats and dogs are not around because people "need" them. Mother nature is clever, wherever there is an evolutionary niche it is filled by some sort of creature. Ergo flying, stinging, meat and jam eating wasps.

    You weren't talking about White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, right???

  7. People pay me £50 to get rid of a wasp nest. Without wasps I would be unemployed.

  8. Why you chuckin it with the wasps, we got so many insects and animals out there that can really harm you. Anyway they do have a purpose as well, even though they p**s me off big time :  

  9. B0uncing you are incorrect. Yes wasps do use their sting as a defence mechanism, but you can still be stung without threatening the wasps. Unlike bees who will not sting unless threatened - they also lose their life unlike wasps who just come back to sting again!

  10. When will people understand there is a `point` in everything.  It`s not rocket science.

    Within 4 years the human race could die off if bees become extinct.

    The same goes for worms.

    You might as well ask why leaves fall from the trees (you should already know that one).

    Everything has a purpose - it`s called the balance of nature.  Nature is so complex that mere man (who is a product of nature) can never hope to understand the whole of it.

    Yes, wasps have a purpose, along with everything else.  Stinging you is just their self-defence.  YOU  hit back don`t you if you are attacked or threatened?

  11. What is the point in You?

  12. There is no point. Creatures evolve and if there's a niche they'll take it.

    A better question would be "Why do we need people?"

  13. All I know is they have a sharp point that I want Kept away from me

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