
What is the point in me living?

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i am only 14 and this may sound wierd but i have thught about this alot and well i cant think of any reson why i am living i do nothing and all i am is some 1 bf thats it i mean why am i here what do i need to do do b some 1 coz at the moment i fell i have no point in life ( i am not going to kill my self ............ yet)




  1. Why does there have to be a point to your living? There is no point, no point to anyone's living. What you're saying is, you want your life to have a purpose, you want it to mean something that you exist. You're saying you want your existence to mean something to others.

    At 14, you don't have to make a difference yet. You're not expected to. You're expected to learn and prepare to be a contributing member of society.

    You can define your own purpose in living, you know.

    For the most part, that will come when you're grown up, but your life can have purpose now, too. You can make the world a better place every day, in ways both small and large. You can be a joy and help to your family. You can make differences in the lives of friends, neighbors, people at school and others. You can volunteer your time to make a difference to people in the community who need assistance and someone to care. Or make a difference by helping with the environment, etc. Even giving a smile to a passerby can brighten someone's day - being the giver of smiles can make you someone, believe it or not.

    Back to that idea of deciding what the point to your life will be.

    You may find that circumstances suggest a purpose in life to you. Or you may decide yourself what that will be.

    It can be as simple as being a good son, brother, friend - and later, husband and father. Believe me, once you have a kid of your own, you'll be convinced that the point to your life is to love, protect and raise that kid!

    But it can be more dramatic, as well. You might join the military and protect the country. You might become a doctor, nurse, EMT, etc and save lives. You might become a teacher and guide the next generation. Or a repairman and put things aright.

    It doesn't have to be work-related. It can just be being a solid member of your community.

    Wanna be someone? Then be the best YOU that you can be. Look for opportunities to gladden others' days, study in school so you're as prepared as you can be, work out to be strong, prepare and while you're preparing, JUST DO IT.

  2. If you ask God for your purpose in life he will show you.  Maybe not as soon as you like, but he will.  Also the world will show you what they want to do, in the end you will have to make a choice who's influence you will fall under.  You can either practice being Godly and upright by reading the Bible, praying often, and finding good fellowship and friends who believe in God; or you cannot and be lost until you hit rock bottom.  I was extremely deppressed growing up, nothing filled my soul, my inner man, with life.  Then I found God (or he found me, one way or the other) and while life isn't any easier, God is hope, love, faith, and the well spring of all good things in this world, and his son Jesus is the best friend you will ever know.

  3. I know too well where you are in life. I had a very difficult time when I went through my earlier years. It is only a growth stage, and we ALL go through it.

    Chances are, you are being hit with many ideas or messages, of what to think, how to be, what to do, even who to be.

    It can be frustrating and confusing.

    The things that I had going for me was my family and the knowledge that God did in fact exist.

    I had problems with my family, but I knew that they did love me and wanted the best for me. As for God, this was something I had to explore, to find out what my purpose was.

    It stands to reason-Since God exists, He may have some purpose for me being here. So I studied. Eventually, I went to different churches to see what they all held in common. I read the Bible, and studied theology.

    I found the point of my being alive. Better yet, I found out the truth, and not all the (for lack of a better word) Buffalo Chips man had to say to me. They would have you not believe God is real. But science does not recognize the reality of the spiritual. Since they cannot touch it or test it, for them, it does not exist.

    It does.

    Seek Jesus Christ, and discover your point for living.

  4. then get your lazy @#$ and do something and what cind of quetion

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