
What is the point in quitting smoking if..?

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i read that 50% of lung cancer cases are non-smokers. only 40% of newly diagnosed lung cancer patients were smokers at the time of diagnosis. if this is the case, then what is the point in quitting smoking? i started smoking at 15, quit at 20. i used to smoke somewhere between half a pack to a pack a day. do i have a high risk of lung cancer in the future? someone told me that contrary to the popular myth, ex-smokers lungs do not heal?? so why quit smoking then??




  1. What you read means that the "former smokers" didn't quit soon enough.

    You probably have.

    What benefit do you gain from smoking? It stinks, it makes you stink, it harms your health and anyone around you, it costs money that you could better spend ...

    What you heard is not true. The lungs can heal almost completely given enough time (10 years plus).

  2. Do you honestly think lung cancer is the only medical risk?  First and foremost, there are a host of other cancers tied to smoking including my type of leukemia.

    Next, smoking also increases risks for emphasema, asthma, increased allergies, decreased sense of taste and smell. While your body is busy trying to repair the damage to your mouth throat and lungs the rest of your body is left susceptable to other infections and illnesses. Smoking stinks.  If you smoke inside your house or car it greatly reduces the resale value.   If you are lucky enough to have medical insurance, your rates will be higher as a smoker.  If you ever have a job related lung illness or disease, being a smoker will reduce the amount of benefits you get from it, if any.

    But beyond that...   I hated being tied to my addiction.  It wasnt something I just did for pleasure, it was something I literally needed, had to have.  If I had to go all day without a cig not only was I miserable, but so was everyone else around me.  I no longer plan my days around my smoke breaks.  

    And, I keep putting away that 3 bucks a day instead of spending it on something else.  You would be surprised at how fast 3 dollars a day adds up.  

  3. lungs can heal over time but do you know what smoke even on your clothes can do toother people?  Second hand smoke kills and it does not have to be the smoke in reality it can be the residue from your clothes and your hair. you can cause your kids to have breathing problem like asthma.  If you have neveer experienced not being able to breathe you are very lucky it hurts and it is very scary.

  4. This would be a good time to stop, while you are young.  Five years can almost certainly be reversed.  My mother stopped smoking after 30 years.  She is now 90 years old and free of any lung disease.  Good luck and God bless.

  5. The longer you do it, the more tar gets in your lungs, the shorter your life will be!

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