
What is the point of AFL?

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I watched an game the other day and it was the most boring and repatitive game it''s as bad as NFL in some attributes




  1. Yea dnt watch it if you dnt like it. and AFL is not boring, games can go either way. its totally unpredictable.

  2. Aussie rules in my eyes is one of the most exciting games to watch on TV and live. There may be some boring plays through out the game such as: holding the play up so the team can win. But i do believe u need to understand the games too be interested. Besides that you need skill as well, which in this case is where alot of rugby league players lack and thus don't want to hack it that our sport (being Aussie rules) is a fare more entertaining sport to watch, support and play.

  3. Too true , the contest has gone out of the game, it is nothing more than highly organized keepings off, players get 15 touches a quarter these days most of them uncontested and cheap stats,, too many athletes not enough football players!!

  4. There is no point other than to keep the masses (that is, The Great Unwashed) busy so they don't wander the streets breaking things and getting in the way of people who have better things to do than watch team sports...

  5. If you don't like it, don't watch it, just don't put it down to people who enjoy it.

    Thank you Romper, it's getting on my nerves as well!

  6. well dont watch it

  7. AFL like any other sport is a way for aggressive individuals to blow of steam in a competitive setting instead of going at each other with lethal weapons in a theatre of war. Sadly, looking at the world today, it does not seem to work.

  8. What's the point of the AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE ?  Well mate every game has to have a league to run the show, that's what happens in this game of AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL. (aussie rules).

    Maybe we should call  Aussie Rules,  ARF,  it's definitely too hard for the dikheads to stop thinking it's called AFL.  Even when they get on to bag our game, they still can't get the name right.     yes i played over 300 games of ARF, nice ring to it.   who plays ARF, makes more sense than people saying they play AFL,   read this, "i play australian football league"     oh do you, that must be a hoot.

    Anyone else that can not suffer fools?

  9. At the risk of being repetitive yes, it is just that - and the interruptions for ads, and waiting for the light before bouncing the ball. Going to the game is the only way to see what is happening. TV gets in too close to view what, melees, stacks on the mill.

  10. i think it is a great sport. its just that there is a lot of defense, that i don't like. but it is cool to watch, like teams are never out of the game, the rules make it more tense in situations and that you get to keep the ball. if you don't like it, don't smash on the players who play it, James Roe said that AFL saved his life because he was given another chance in becoming a football player. he was really depressed and had thoughts of suicide, to some AFL is good. also some fans like football 24/7, so its another thing to watch and it give fans that don't have a NFL team around them to cheer for

  11. Ahhh Romper, you, my friend, are a hoot also!

    Perhaps Justine4... just doesn't understand our great game and therefore has to dis it. Perhaps she is a RL fan where the only news you hear of that is someone who dislikes that game so much they have gone to France to get away from it..... Runn SBW Run!!

    Simple. Don't like it, don't watch it. There are squillions of us that do so we really won't miss you!! (Can someone remind me of the attendance figures for the two MCG games this round....)

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