
What is the point of Michelle Obama addressing Conference?

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She would have no constititional role as First Lady, so it doesn't matter what she says or thinks.

Putting the children forward in that way makes me feel uneasy.




  1. I know, like if my voting to a certain candidate would be based upon the wife, the kids and whole perfect family appearance.

    It's insulting!

  2. Yeah, I saw that too. It was for her to show everyone how much of a family man Obama is by talking about him, and how her family have "the American Dream"... but I do agree with you about putting the kids forward like that.

  3. I know!!!  Has your husband asked you to turn up at his work and tell his work colleagues what a great guy he is and to listen to him and his presentations?!!!!

    What a joke politics is - what does it matter about the wife and kids?  So old fashioned and irrelevant frankly.

  4. Agreed, but the Democrats are like our Labour Party, all style and no substance. Form over content etc. Always playing to the naive in the gallery. It's policies not posing. Cherie Blair was another who thought that she had been elected.

  5. because she is married to him

    im sure mccains wife will address it as well

  6. Having the kids on stage was shameful. And obviously contrived "We love you". Maybe Mccain will have his kids onstage...oh yeah, they are in the military protecting our country.

  7. I think she  thinks she is doing the right thing..a need to be more protective over the children..seeing your point of feeling uneasy

  8. Hilary Clintons daughter introduced her.

  9. The First Lady doesn't have a constitutional role but you better pay attention to what the spouse of the Presidential candidates think and have to say especially one like Michelle Obama who would be very active in decision making.  There is a reason that she is out campaigning and it is because she will be an active part of the administration if elected just as Hillary was.  Most First Ladies are content to be behind the scenes and work on some humanitarian project.  A few want to be active as if they are full cabinet members.  Michelle would be the later.

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