
What is the point of a New World Order?

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Beyond Freemasons, Bilderberg group, skull and bones.... what would change for us (specifically our liberties) to have a NWO? How does consolidating power help THEM? It seems like we would be harder to control if we were lumped together in such a huge mass. What's the point and why are theorists so afraid of it??




  1. I like this question; it actually has some substance to it beyond ranting against the idea or those who are supposedly behind it.

    First, any NWO conspiracy, if one actually exists, is not Masonic in origin or inspiration. We are a fraternity based on individual liberty, and not in the business or restricting anyone to exercise their God-given right of free will. Even Masonry itself is not globally run. Every Grand Lodge, be it national, regional or state, (depending on what country you live in) is independent of all others and answers to no others. Such diversity in and of itself would make Freemasonry unable to support such a thing, and besides, the idea of global government is contrary to everything in the history and idealism of Masonry.

    Now as far as the NWO, I don't believe it to exist as such, but surely there are those groups and individuals out there that do support such a thing. Problem is that a world government conspiracy would not benefit in any way any of the groups generally credited with supporting or plotting it.

    NWO conspiracies usually revolve around the rich and powerful persons, corporations, etc. that would be most hurt by it, After all, absolute power has its "top off” point, look at any totalitarian government in existence now or in the past- once you have all the power and control all of the money, what next? All eyes, all criticism, all suspicion, all discontent is now focused on you. Historically this is a blueprint for bloodshed and revolution.

    The rich and powerful entities in this word need the wealth and power to not be solely held by them, what fuels their very existence and status is the class struggle, one-upmanship and keeping up with the Joneses that is exercised on all levels of free-market society. Eliminate that consumer and constituant base, and there is nowhere else to go but down.

    When analyzed rationally and critically, it makes no sense. No one getting accused of being behind this conspiracy stands to benefit any great or lasting reward from it beyond which they already have, and they can continue to do so without the inherent headaches and expense of totalitarianism. If I were to place bets on what kind of person or group does support this thing, I’d be looking at some of the so-called downtrodden fringes of society and their few but vocal mainstream champions.

    I think this is a "from the bottom up" kind of thing, not something being imposed from the top down.  

  2. they want to kill and enslave you. see eu-genocide= eugenics and genocide. the Georgia Guidestone speel it out . also  to survive evenas a slave:  

    : "... No one will enter the New Age unless he will take the Luciferian Initiation".  David Spangler, Director of the Planetary Initiative, United Nations declares:

    is that the future you want?

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