
What is the point of connecting my Wii console to the Internet?

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Hi, could you please tell me if there is any benefits to be had by connecting my Daughter's Wii Console to the Internet. I have a wireless hub so it shouldn't be a problem but i just don't understand what the point would be. Are there games out there for playing other people through the Internet? Are there excellent Wii updates lying dormant just waiting for me to connect? Your help would be greatly apprectiated.




  1. It would be a lot easier for your daughter to watch p**n without you hovering over her shoulder on the computer...

    plus she could download some games form the Wii shop.

    other than that i see no reason.

  2. There are good games that you can play online: Mario Kart Wii, Smash Bros Brawl, Guitar Hero, etc. The updates are not really significant, but would be helpful in the future.... There is a whole library of classic games you can download for 5-12 bucks as well.

  3. you get to play others around the globe. you have an internet browser just about everythings to get the best out of your wii

  4. You can buy old NES, SNES and N64 games for the wii

    There are a few games that you can play online

    You can buy 3rd party games

    There are also quite a few fun updates and free software you can get.

  5. because you can then buy her mario kart. and she can race against people around the world.

    dont worry shes not in any danger.

    its hilarious fun tho :

  6. well you can play against other people online and plus you or she can connect to the weather or news channel to see what is going on, And you can also access wii shop channel, where you can buy old NES Games like super mario bros. and SNES,SEGA, NINTENDO 64 games and more so having an internet connection for your wii will be a pretty smart thing to do.

  7. all of my friends have it the internet i have it hooked up but some wii have it for free and some don't do u need help getting the channel i'll help

  8. You will now be able to use the channels like the wii shop,weather,and news. You will also be able to connect your mii's online and make them interact with different people's mii's. Also wii games that have wifi adaptability will be able to be played with other people online. Also if you buy wii points (purchased in stores) you will be able to buy and download nes and other classic mario games.

  9. What everyone is saying is right.  Some games on the Wii require you to have an Internet connection for online play.  With this, she can be playing against or with someone who is on the other side of the globe.

    Now I don't know if you've blocked the Wii Shop Channel using Parental Controls, but your daughter can buy games from as far back as the NES.  This is called the Virtual console.

    You are right when youu say that there are Wii updates lying dormant.  If you don't have an internet connection, you might miss important updates.  For example, I missed the update about the Wii remote skin being added to the general bundle because my internet connection malfunctioned.

    I hope this helped!

  10. When you connect your Wii to the internet your able to

    -Play other people around the world (wifi games only)

    -Check the weather

    -check the news

    -Vote on daily polls

    -Shop for classic games like Super Mario Bros,Donkey Kong,Kirby ect.(Wii points requrid)


  11. There is probably about 80 percent more things to do with the internet than without.

    -Send messages to your friends through the wii with the help of wii connect 24.

    -Get updates from nintendo also with the help of wii connect 24.

    -Use channels such as the news channel, the weather channel, and the wii shopping channel.

    -Download old games on the Wii Shopping channel from platforms like NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis and more.

    -Download Wii-Ware games from the wii shopping channel.

    (I recommend Lost Winds)

    -Download free channels for your wii menu like The nintendo channel where you can watch videos about new wii games and download demos for your nintendo DS.

    -Send miis to your friends with the help of Wii Connect 24.

    -play against your friends in games like Super Smash bros. brawl, mario kart wii, and super mario strikers.

    -It is all free too(unless you buy a virtual console game.

    -And of coarse much more to come from nintendo!

    Everything is safe and secure and you can even use the parental controls feature to control what your daughter can and cannot do with the wireless internet.

    I try to tell people who get a wii that your experience with the wii will be drastically increased if you hook the internet up to it.

    There much much more things to do and it basically makes it so you can never get bored of the wii.

    I know this is a lot of information at once so if tyou have any more questions e-mail me here at

  12. your asking can go on the internet u can download classic games u can see the news and the wether u can send meassges to ur friends wii AND YOU CAN VS PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD ON UR GAMES LIKE PEOPLE IN GERMANY ROMAINA ITALY AND MORE

  13. It's internet connection, it lets you Play othere people around the world.

    * It's Just more fun-4 me- It's more fun to play pepole around the world.Somrtimes there an chalelengeand sometimes it's just easy.

    Your can also-

    Check the weather

    check the news

    Vote on daily polls

    Shop for classic games, However you need wii points.

    *My most favorite game is mario Kart wii, so if you get that for your daurghter, with Internet conection. She'll hav lots of FUN.

  14. you get to buy old nintendo games and do a bunch of other online fun!

  15. Connecting the Wii to the internet bears so many benefits. These are all I can remember:

    - Compete against other players on certain games.

    - Check the weather and news channels.

    - Surf the internet using the Opera browser, where you can visit any website and play online games.

    - Exchange Miis and import other people's Miis.

    - Connect to WiiConnect24 to download demos and Wii updates* even when the console is on standby.

    - Use Wii Points to download retro Nintendo Entertainment System games.

    - Download demos to the Nintendo DS using DS Download Play.

    - Download new channels to the Wii, such as the 'Everybody Votes' channel, where you can vote on questions with hundreds of others worldwide.

    - Use online services such as BBC iPlayer, or 4 On Demand.

    I'm sure there must be much more, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

    All the services offered are totally safe and secure, and your daughter will only need a minimum level of supervision whilst using online services.

    Also, ignore what other people have said about the poor WiFi connection. True, the Nintendo USB WiFi Connector does have a limited range, but if you already have a wireless router this is no problem. What was previously said about 'lag', (games slowing down due to poor connection speed) will depend on the speed of the internet connection. To be honest, only very impatient people need to worry about lag. The Wii is perfect for internet use and adds a whole new dimension to internet use.

    Hope this helps,


    *The updates will not make a difference to your gaming experience and will only usually change the 'cosmetics' of the Wii Menu. Don't think it's worth connecting to the internet purely for updates when there are so many other benefits!

  16. You could play other people across the world (Don't worry, it's safe)

    Wii Shop channel (costs money to download wiiware and virtual console games, (virtual console games are old classic games). You could also buy the internet channel and use internet on the wii if something happens to your computer

  17. Well you can play games that have wifi but alot of the time the connection will be bad because the wii isnt really meant for online

  18. you can play other people online in certain games. also you can buy certain games online... mostly classic games... which is neat..

    also there are certain wii channels you can buy... one for example you can just browse the internet.

    its just all for fun. if you are able i would def. check it out.

  19. the wifi on the Wii is pretty good. here are the pros and cons:

    Pros-play with other people online,buy old nintendo games,check the weather and news around the world, and the wifi works for the nintendo DS too, if you have one.

    Cons-LAG! On some games the lag is horrible! you have to wait half a second at the least on some games.its frustrating trying to set it up because it doesnt work sometimes, and the range of the wifi connector is not that large(30 ft.).

  20. 1. play games on wifi

    2. Go on the wii shop channel to down load new wii ware games, old games (nes, snes, nintendo 64 etc.) and to downlaod new channels and the internet.

    3. To communicate with others who have a wii, a cell phone or a comeputer.

    4. If u want to send pictures to ur wii u can send them from ur computer to ur wii instead or putting them on a sd card.

    5. And to update ur system.

  21. If you're like me and my husband and love old school games, you should definitely hook it up so you can download old games!  We've been playing Super Mario Brothers 1, 2, and 3 almost every night for 2 weeks.....its crazy how something so simple can bring back memories of being a kid like that again!

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