
What is the point of giving huge piles of homework?

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I HATE homework I make really good grades and it bores me to death to have to do homework!!! Like i can understand a little bit a few times a week just to make sure you can do stuff on your own but piles and piles of it every night it's insane!!!!!! all we learn from it is how much we hate our teachers!!! I have really bad back problems now and im only 12 i got them from carrying a backpack full of books i have to take pills everyday now so my back won't hurt i have been to the hospital 4 times this year at like 2am just for back problems i couldn't even walk!!!

why do teachers think it's amusing,entertaining,or funny to give us so much because when we show any signs of not liking it they smile and laugh and grin like it's hilarious!!!!!




  1. to make sure you understand. make sure your responsible. help you to refresh your memory after class. what else does a 12 year old have to do?? wait til high school;)

  2. you might want to get a book bag that comes on two wheels and you pull it. federal employees use these. problem solved.

  3. It sounds like you get a lot of busywork. By assigning lots of busywork, teachers THINK they are doing a fabulous job keeping you busy and involved in the material. What they are really accomplishing is turning you off of learning and boring you of the subject. I have lots of homework, but it is mostly research or design related, not hauling books home and searching for the answers to a worksheet. Hopefully you'll get into some classes that actually challenge you and focus on LEARNING, not passing standardized tests with low expectations.

  4. Because it is.

    Look at this picture and try not to laugh:

    Edit: Sigh... Fine, you want to know the REAL answer?


    If you do more homework, in theory, you will get higher scores, and the higher the score is, assuming you go to a public school, the more money the government gives your school.  But I like my un-edited answer better.

    Anyways, just listen to some Rise Against, and get over it:

  5. keeps you busy at a time in your life when anything catches and diverts your attention.

  6. yeah well everyone has to live with it but every school is different i mean where i live i didnt have huge piles of homework when i was 12 thats pretty ridiculous that usually doesnt start till high school

  7. They laugh because its part of life! They had to go through it and now someone else is going through it and its something that can not be avoided...and the homeworks only piles up even more as you advance to a higher grade.

    Also a lot of teachers now-a-days give out soo much homework to keep hoodlums busy after school with homework instead of getting into trouble and doin stupid stuff they shouldn't be doing.

  8. Just wait, it gets worse. AND, if you're real smart, they REALLY dump it on you. Don't B***h about it too much, you are wayyyyy to young to start complaining already!

    High school = massive homework

    College = tons of work and tons more for graduate school

    Career = pain in the A88 boss who rides you like a 25 cent pony ride at the fair.

    Wife & Kids = just wait......

    Don't start complaining yet..........

  9. Because teachers have nothing better to do then to make little children miserable and bored I guess. But just wait until you get to high school and save the complaing until then. Lol. =]

  10. the teachers give us so much homework because they get some sick pleasure of knowing that we are suffering and have no lives because we are too busy trying to maintain good grades in every class.  

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