
What is the point of having a Datatag on a motorbike? Why does it deter thieves?

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What is the point of having a Datatag on a motorbike? Why does it deter thieves?




  1. The datatag system involves attaching chips to various components in such a way as they would require dismantling to remove, and visibly marking removeable parts like body panels, makinh them difficult to sell on.

    Typically, I drop a chip into the tank when empty, covered in epoxy cement, and shake it so the chip lodges somewhere awkward - this makes the tank worthless to a thief, as the police can scan for the chip.

    Another is glued & dropped into the frame - making cutting the frame apart necessary to remove it.

    Another one inside any hollow wheel casting, and then etch every panel & mirrors visibly with the datatag serial number, which again is traceable.

    The system means that the bike is worthless if a thief either intends to 'ring' it, or break it for parts.

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