
What is the point of horse racing from the POV of the punters, the jockeys and/or the horses?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking because I worked at Haydock Park and Ascot.

In both cases, the staff were treasted as below the punters (Who werre all rich female dogs in stupid flouncy hats and dresses with mega-orange tans or posh male doorknobs dressed in waistcoats).

These 'punters' spent hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of pounds on champagne and foie gras - among other things - and then left most of it, meaning that the kitchen staff and hospitality staff (paid a pittance) made an effort to make the food and breing it out... all for NOTHING.

And then the food and drink gets thrown away. Are the staff allowed to eat it?|! NO!

It makes me angry that there's such a culture of snobbery and waste in those places... and the punters flashed the cash at every opportunity! It's ridiculous!




  1. The punters do it for the buzz it gives them, the jockeys for a living and the horses love it

  2. What is your point being in this thread. . . .

    For the horses and the jockeys. . To run the best race they

    can and if lucky be first toc ross the finish line.

  3. Ok then What is the point of PUNTERS TO HORSE RACING ?

    I dk yours !!answer mine first ok ?lol

  4. whats your point?

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