
What is the point of learning more ENGLISH?

by Guest62511  |  earlier

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I mean after a certain grade level, English just becomes repetitive. I would say after the 10th grade we can all read and write so why continue?

Unlike more important subjects like Math and Science which actually help people. Science, doctors use to cure people. Math architects use to design houses. Engineers use math to make useful things such as airplanes, new cars etc.




  1. What you're talking about is survival and convenience:  Having a roof over our heads, becoming and staying healthy, transportation, and so on.  Do you really think that that's all there is to life?  That mankind is capable and worthy of nothing better than merely staying alive?

    Do you think everything that has value is tangible and measurable?

    How are the uses and discoveries of science and math expressed to non-mathematicians and scientists?  Through English.  I'd be hard pressed to think of any career or endeavor that doesn't involve using English.

    People judge you by how you speak and write.  Yes, by 10th grade you can function in English.  But how about writing better, using grammar and syntax more correctly, varying your vocabulary?  At your interview for that architect's job, if you sound like a dope, do you think you'll get the position?

    If you think the arts (meant in the general sense) aren't helpful or useful to people, you're very wrong.  And I'll stop now because I could go on for hours.

  2. Yes, read through Yahoo!Answers and you will understand. Although Math and Science are important for progressing, English is important for communication. I have scene many science papers that have not been published yet that are illegible because grammatical/poor wording. How can you help people if no one understands you?

    P.S> Your second paragraph is hard to understand because it is almost entirely sentence fragments...

  3. You may have enough knowledge in other areas to do the deed, but you need proper language skills to present what you do otherwise you will sound immature and uneducated. Sorry. I am not sure how old you are, but if you save some topics you write in school and later in the college and will read them over ten after graduating you will know what I am talking about.

  4. Read 90% of the questions and answers on this site and you will quickly see the importance of English.  Most of the morons on this site can not put together a logical sentence, much less use proper spelling and punctuation.  Pay attention to your English lessons, it will help you to articulate yourself better than 90% of the retards on Y!A.

  5. It's mostly for retention than anything.  I know a lot of college students who wished they paid more attention to their 10th grade English teachers.

    Besides, wouldn't you want to sound more educated than a stinkin' freshman?

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