
What is the point of making Yu-gi-oh cards if they just ban all of the good ones?

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Some cards make no sense being banned like Confiscation and why was Metamorphasis banned cuz now you can't summon Neo Bubble Man




  1. that is why i play by the Traditional Rules, But it is because a lot of the cards. can be used to make 1 turn kill decks. That is why Last Will, Magical Scientest, Butterfly dagger elma, are Banned. however in Traditional Rules there is no Banned list just a Restrickted list cause i agree it's stupid to make the cards if you can't use them, but after you have been hit by Choas Emperior Dragon or put in Yatta lock you see why cards are banned.  how ever i disagree with Banning the Cards that can change the tide of a duel such has Rikigi, Dark Hole, Change of Heart, Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted was banned because of jinzo witch i find to be stupid.  i don't even use jinzo so what if some one brings it back with Call of the haunted and u can't mst it good bye and u can use your traps deal with it. just take it out again. I do agree with some of the Banned list but i find alot of it complete unnessicary. so i play tratitional were no cards are banned expect God, and with a restricked list that changes when the banned card list changes.

  2. because combos of the banned cards make it where opponet could not have a turn and that is ubber homo

  3. Cards were ban because when they first made them, they didn't realize how broken some cards would be. Everyone would be making chaos decks and then what would be the point of playing?

  4. ...because back when they're were no ban lists, duels were basically decided by who got to go first. They're are decks that have a 95+ percentage of winning on the first turn. It made dueling no fun. Metamorphosis lead  to easy otk's with cyber twin dragon and etc. Confiscation is a great card advantage card that can turn the tide of the duel. You now know exactly what is in you're opponent's hand and you can -1 them.

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