
What is the point of no return date for global warming, when will it be too late to do anything about it?

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Since all the scientists are in concensus and agree it's caused by humans then this question should be so very simple to answer.

It will be nice to make this date public so we can know when to stop waisting so much time and money to convince people of the lie of human caused global warming and start putting those resources back into pollution cleanup and efficient power sources.




  1. Your already at the point of no return dude.

    Your GW freak crowd already set a date as to when it would be too late. They didn' t get the hyped response they wanted, so they reset the date. Even with all the changes proposed by Al Gore the GW god himself, all the changes that would tilt people's world on end wouldn't even make a significant difference.

    Don't believe the hype, ever notice that the world doesn't operate by the GW crowd's laboratory experiements and weather models ? Could it be they don't know everything ? Seems there's more and more scientists admitting that every day. Its just sad that people are getting rich off the backs of the foolish looking for something to make their lives count for something, but then again, they are fools for a purpose I suppose.

    It doesn't hurt to think green but do so in reasonable ways. Like guild a "green" building that consumes less energy. Turn off lights in unused rooms, recycle. These are all manageable and in general good. But I personally draw the line at extremists that want to turn eveyone's lives upside down with increased costs of living, taxes and bad policy.

  2. It's just a big money grabbing scam.

    Forget about it and get on with your life.

  3. about 2 years ago

  4. The good news is that it isn't too late to stop politicians from passing the Law of The Sea Treaty, and not too late to prevent them from throwing more tax money into the biggest scam in world's history, man-made global climate change.  Since the real scientists largely have bailed out of this suicidal pact stating that for now. no more effect than we could make, the human suffering needed to get minuscule and ineffective results, aren't worth it.  The larger question is why don't all of you here get informed, help remove this horrid financial threat from our lives by shutting up the politicians, them move on to do something more constructive wih your lives.  Fight for liberty, not this made up c**p.

  5. well i don't believe it but there predicting 20 years from now is too late.

    Doesn't this sound familiar? global cooling was meant to destroy our crops in the 70's even the 90's. tonnes of predictions like this have been made and all of them failed and forgotten about

  6. It's already too late to do anything about global warming, because man has no effect upon solar cycles.  In fact, there was NEVER a point we could do anything about it.  Guess we'll all just have to adapt and enjoy our lives.

  7. It's difficult to put a 'date' on it. The thing is we can change our environment both negatively and positively. so the date will fluctuate. also, the earth WILL repair it's self, either with or without human kind, it's our choice. The earth won't die because humans do, people need to understand that. We can only change the earth so much, before WE die not the earth. So to answer your question, it's coming up fast, but we need to look at this date in a different way.


  8. Thats not true not all scientists believe in global warming. Don't buy all the propaganda feed to you.  Non-scientists came up with this problam and people who wanted to profit from this agreed with them.

  9. It doesnt matter when the date is, when the time comes its not going to be like omg the world is ruined, it will be like c**p we're outta fuel and resources, we better invest in something else like solar energy, and humans will adapt to the changes, global warming wont destroy us most likely, the earth will live on and if we dont then the earth will be better off.

  10. yeah only jesus can name the date of the end of the world well jesus and me... its December 21 2012 i'd say that the point of no return for gw (global warming)

    now oddly enough 2012 is when all kinds of new technology is supposed to come out to help us combat gw so whatever we do were screwed but thats what gore and them losers want u to believe

    yes we need to spend the money we're using to buy expensive fancy lightbulbs, that r supposed to help stop gw, on better things that will actually help the environment and all that jazz not dumb lightbulbs we need to find alternate sources of energy and so much more

  11. Because calculating a date and being wrong makes people think you're lying but there is a problem. We are dealing with weather, which according to chaos theory is impossible to predict becuase of innumerable variables. You guys are wrong about why the initial date is wrong. Global dimming, a problem that was the result of spraying aerosols into the air, was fighting against global warming. The problem with dimming is it has its own negative effects.

  12. It's been calculated that the carrying capacity of the planet was exceeded around 1977.

  13. Is just like smoking problem. Everyone know smoking bad for health, but they will stop only when they are diagnose with certain disease such as lung or heart disease.

    But, at this moment of time, I don't think the scientists can give a date for the "END OF THE DAY". I think only Jesus can.

  14. In about 4 billion years when the sun losses most its fuel and collapses under its own gravity and blows up to expand out to the orbit of the asteroid belt. The Earth will warm up to the point where its oceans will evaporate. This scenario should never be allowed to happen…. GRRRRRR.

  15. It's too late for the mid-west.

  16. Most scientists agree to avoid catastrophic climate change, we need an 80% reduction in worldwide greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.  To achieve that, they estimate we need 15-20% reductions by 2020.

    To have a realistic shot at making these goals, we need to start taking action basically immediately.  The longer we delay, the more severe the cuts need to be.  If we start reducing emissions now, the reductions can be more gradual and easier.

    There is no concrete date because if we delay, we can still make the reductions, it will just take much more severe cuts.  If you really want, you can say the point of no return is 2050.

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