
What is the point of psychatrist when they don't help?

by  |  earlier

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they sicken me, they dont fix the cause of the problem,only mask it...

i went to one...i have little anxiety in school..he right away prescribes thats it..

i read about people taking atvian only makes it worse+side effects =more pills= more $ for insurance companies....THIS IS all A SCAM .to get u hooked on drugs...




  1. the money is in treatment, not curing.

  2. psychatrist mostly just perscrib medication and don't do much talking/therapy..if you want that your need a psychologist..they work with the underlying issues..and mediacine is suppose to take the edge off your symptoms..but if its just the school thing i would say talk to a psychologist

  3. oh tell me about it.

    they really do my head in for sure lol

    i mean they giving me depression and anxiety tablets because i have that and i have schizophrenia,but they wont do anything for that they just gave me depression and anxiety tablets.But then give me ones that take a month to start working when I'm literally suicidal and they just doing nothing about it because of my age.Its a joke by the end of the day!!

  4. Well obviously you do NOT have anxiety. What did you expect from a d**n psychiatrist? they arent there to counsel you on your problems! they are there to give you the medication to help you. what did you seriously expect him to do? give him your number and hit up a strip club?

    you havent even taken ativan and from the way your talking you probably dont even need to. the good seriously outweighs the bad for people who REALLY DO have anxiety issues. Your stupid. this so called scam of yours is stupid as well.

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