
What is the point of psychatrists when they hurt more than help?

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they sicken me, they dont fix the cause of the problem,only mask it...

i went to one...i have little anxiety in school..he right away prescribes thats it..

i read about people taking atvian only makes it worse+side effects =more pills= more $ for insurance companies....THIS IS all A SCAM .to get u hooked on drugs...




  1. Well man, the problem with the United States is that as much as Law Enforcement and everyone says Alcohol and marijuana and cocaine is bad (Which Cocaine certainly is) we know live in a society where you can turn on the television and there is a new drug commercial more than you can shake a stick at and unbelievable they are creating or wanting to instill in the American psycy that they are suffering from symptoms that is just a result of everyday life. Living in AMerica is a disease just like alcoholism. A child now cannot even be a child and if they are, they are prescribed Ritalin. HA HA HA.

    Now if you are moody or just a little depressed, right away you are bi-polar. If you are in a unhappy marriage and cannot get a erection because your wife or you contribute to a horrible relationship you suffer from erectile dysfunction. Would these people have erectile dysfunction if Pam Anderson suddenly appeared like a genie out of a bottle and provoked you to have intercourse.

    Would you be moody or depressed and considered bi-polar if all of a sudden you won a million dollars in the lottery? Or Willy Wonka suddenly gave you that chocolate factory. Would you be depressed or Bi-polar if the government finally gave something back to you for making them so rich all these years? Even one free prescription? I mean think about it, what do they do for us in return for paying all these taxes; send our children to a joke of a war and for what?

    It is sad to realize that everything you thought or was told as a child was just one huge lie. Law firms and addiction centers are for the people? Tell that to a guy that's best friend got killed by a cop.

    Would you not be diagnosed with anger and temper problems if the cops did not come to your home and simply lock you up for domestic violence just because a  neighbor heard you arguing with your wife?

    Would you not always contemplate you weren't doing so bad if your best friend stopped shoveling in your face how much better he is than you because he doesn't have a real job (Nor does he pay taxes) and sells stuff on E-bay, and than show you every d**n auction? But we go to the same places for breakfast? And he doesn't own a Ferrari.

    Anger, depression and sickness is all part of our reality and sadly some bureacrat realized really quick that people can make them a lot richer if you suppress people into thinking what they want you to think; supress them by creating problems ; I.G. people that use pain pills because they live in genuine pain and if you need more your an addict? Everyone wins but you.

    But Big Mac's and potatoe chips can continue to kill Americans just like cigarettes. I would never imagine why people go on shooting spree's but as everything is going today with everyone trying to slice each other's throats just for having a opinion, or destroy your  live with a pen, or a call to the IRS or HRS or god knows what else; I can certainly understand it.

    I don't know what happened man, it is as if I woke up from a nightmare, and when I preached about this stuff ten years ago that this was all going to happen people said I had a negative attitude. I don't know your answer man. But I can assure you this, be glad this guy had the intelligence not to give you Xanex's.

    I realized at 3 and a half years old, Jim Morrison was right.

    Albert Einstein did not have to finish grammer school.

    What do I tell you? Roll with the punches man, and sad but true, we let all this happen to ourselves. I never gave in and I never will and one day I will die for it.

  2. My advice would be to see a psychologist. They help deal with the real problem by counseling. They have techniques to help one cope. They can also evaluate IF you need medication besides. I agree, don't just mask the problem, get to the root of it and fix it. IF he recommends that you do indeed need medication, he will refer you to a psychiatrist for it, as he is not qualified to give it. Good luck

  3. 1st ,if you are going to a doctor ,do what he says,otherwise don't go to the doctor. 2nd ,people get anxious ,it's a normal condition,if you go to doc feelgood what do you expect? he will make you feel is not like that.that is why we drink too much,have s*x with the wrong people,join that Christianity cult.3rd ,your problem is inside you,if there is a cure it is probably inside as well. 4th i have found people enter psychiatry for medication and just stay for the conversation.5th,there are sick people that psychiatry can help ,but they are few and the drugs are many...........tom

  4. Don't go to a psychologist. A psychologist studies the mind and stuff like that but have no real therapy or diagnostic skills. Go to a therapist if you need someone to talk to that bad. They are less likely to prescribe meds and are there to just talk to you. Like the guy above me said, a lot of anxiety issues come from inside, and you need to figure out for you how to make them go away. Talking to someone isn't really gonna help that much  

  5. Your right a lot of people don't need these drugs. What most people need it just someone to talk to but instead they drug you up on stuff you don't need and probably has bad side effects.

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