
What is the point of raising the ISO setting on a camera?

by  |  earlier

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doesn't it just lower the image quality and add noise?




  1. Yes, to a point and allot depends upon the make & model in which you are using, I have only tried it a few times to see the difference but went from 400 to 800 ISO with my Canon XTi. I could not see a difference.

    I have been told that beyond 800 ISO things start become noticiable because of the noise factor.

  2. Sometimes you need it in order to get the speed to handhold the camera

  3. Yes, it does.  But for low-light situations, sometimes it's not practical to increase aperture or decrease the shutter speed to get more light.  I'd rather have a noisy picture than a blurry picture caused by needing too slow a shutter speed.

  4. Well, yes it does. But if you raise the ISO, it brightens the image, which allows you to use a faster shutter speed (which darkens the image) or set the camera to a  smaller aperture. (also darkens the image)

    So say you need to set the camera to f/22. You would use a higher ISO than if you were setting it to f/1.8.

    Try reading these posts on digital photography school..

  5. 1. A faster shutter speed stops action.

    2. A smaller aperature (higher f/number) increases depth of field.

    3. A lower ISO speed increases resolution.

    You usually get to pick two of the above and sacrifice the other.

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