
What is the point of same s*x "marriage"? Who benefits from this and how do they benefit?

by Guest60833  |  earlier

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There are many clergy men who are out of a job because the refuse to go against God's laws about marriage being ordained by God between one woman and one man. They refuse to conduct same s*x ceremonies.




  1. they get to walk around like this and nobody questions them.

  2. Non-strait marriage allows the couple to take advantage of some of the benefits of a strait marriage such as shearing medical benefits, joint tax returns, life policies and others.  

  3. IMHO I think the point of same s*x "marriage"  is being able to say that what these two people are doing is right.

    They will benefit because then society and morality as a whole cannot in their own minds say it is wrong.

  4. "Separation of church and state" <-- Look that up, and try to understand what that means. The United States is NOT a Christian theocracy and I sure as h**l won't let it become one.

    The ONLY people who are against g*y marriage or civil unions are right wing fundamentalist Christians who have NO RIGHT to shove their beliefs down my throat. They have NO RIGHT to dictate the laws of the United States.

    Read the First Amendment.

    Then understand what separation of church and state means.

    Then figure out why you're wrong.  

  5. Same with straight marriage. I'm for banning them both. Marriage is pointless.

  6. Homosexuals are entitled to the same government-protected rights as any other U.S. citizen, including the right to enter into civil unions.  

    However, no individual or group should be forced to regard a same-s*x union as a marriage.


    Zee, you say,"The ONLY people who are against g*y marriage or civil unions are right wing fundamentalist Christians. . ."  You're entirely mistaken.  The major opposition to same-s*x marriage isn't from any religiously affiliated body, just ordinary Americans who understand the dynamics of a healthy democracy better than you do.

    I'm a fundamentalist Christian, and I support same-s*x civil unions with full equal rights for homosexuals.

  7. Well, if society recognized same s*x marriage, then more people could get partnership benefits, like health or life insurance.

    Otherwise, it is so g*y and L*****n people can have a commitment like heterosexual people do in life.

  8. Clergy ought to be able to refuse to marry same s*x couples.

    We have separation of church and state. The government can not legally demand your church do any kind of ceremony.

    I wish I was a divorce lawyer, they are going to at least double their income with this.  

  9. What is the point of any marriage, who and how does a bride and groom benefit?  Legally discriminatory laws benefiting married couples exist in all states.  To restrict access to such benefits based on Biblical doctrine is a case of enacting laws which clearly recognize one religion and prohibits the free exercise of others, which is a direct violation of the First Amendment.  The simplest solution would be to abolish all laws recognizing marriage of any kind and replace such things with Business Partnerships under existing civil law, the same as if they were creating any other joint legal venture.  If the parties involved wished to include a religious component they could, but it would have no bearing on their rights or legal status within the partnership.  Then the Christians could claim the word "marriage" if they wished since it would have no legal meaning, and everyone would win.

  10. Like the vast majority of motivation for anything nowadays the benefit is monetary.

    If they are legal spouses they receive insurance and death benefits.

  11. They want the benefits of a spouse such as insurance, inheritance, and the parental rights to an adopted child.  They can live together for years but if they split up that's as simple as that...if they are married the spouse gets 1/2 of the assets..  Basically they say they want to "marry" to show they are committed to their partner and willing to share 1/2 of everything they have.

    But it is not within God's law, and should be refused in the Church.  With man's law one can marry a tin can if that is what they will mean nothing other than they have to pay taxes on that can with the "marriage penalty" and carry insurance on it....

    In the eyes of God marriage is man and women becoming one.  

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