
What is the point of the Monarchy? Why cant we just get rid of them all?

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Can somone tell me exacyly what the 'Queen' does for a living, or for this country as a matter of fact?




  1. Are you referring to the British Monarchy? If yes, the British throne is where the Prophet Jeremiah was commIssioned by THE LORD GOD after the Babylonian seige of the tribe of Judah who were all taken as exiles to Babylon 500 years before Christ, to transfer the throne of King David from Judah to Scotland and England. Historically, the Phoenicians during that time were trading goods as far as england and scotland. Thus, Israel today is a political country without a King or a monarchy. But British means in Hebrew as Isaac sons and their patron Saint is St George who was a martyred Israelite during the time of emperor Diocletian; also the Jacob  stone the symbol of the throne of King David is placed now beneath the throne of King Edward the confessor where Queen Elizabeth was coronated. Likewise, the name Elizabeth is an Israelite name which was the name of the mother of John the Baptist. THANKS GOD; FEAR GOD; PRAISE GOD; GLORIFY GOD; HONOR GOD; LOVE GOD AND WORSHIP GOD. Pls visit my website

  2. Royalists will claim she brings money in through tourism. They will claim it is more that she costs.

    However, I would say ZERO tourists come to this country to see the Queen. They come to see the architecture and learn about the history. How many of them meet the Queen? ZERO.

    They would still come if she was no longer 'in power' or even if the taxpayer stopped funding her

  3. she drinks tea and shes just a figurehead..

  4. shes a waste of time and money

  5. Did you not take History in school?  The powers and duties of the monarchy as well as the government are well explained, in addition do away with the monarchy and much revenue would be lost, especially that in London, many come to see the Queen's Guard, the palace, etc it is tradition and history.

    You want a wonderful world (yes that was sarcastic) try living in a country ruled by the ever not popular George W. Bush you will see what downfall basically one person can cause

  6. Just as with any other place, if you are not happy leave.  All governments in all countries have something someone is not happy with.

    Be happy to be a Brit and be associated with such tradition and honour instead of trying to lead a revolution, or go live in the US under George W. and a president for a bit and see which you prefer...

  7. She has devoted her life to your country . You British people are so ignorant. I would be proud to be a Britain. But  I am German-American now. So anyhow the British monarchy has a long historical root in the British culture. So you won't be able to get rid off em. Cause they do a lot of good deeds. You ought to investigate and read more about them. They do charity work. Who would invest in all the hudge palaces, Buckingham Palace and all what they own anyway? It would fall into ruins if it werent' for theml. I love the British Monarchy. Besides it still gives us that sweet good old days!

  8. The monarchy is part of this country's heritage. The Queen does not need to 'do' anything for a living; she just needs to BE the Queen. By being the Queen, she gives this country its legitimacy. Get rid of them all? You might as well say get rid of all the plebs and the great unwashed and all those who do not do anything for the country, like the unemployed, the sick, the aged.

    Don't be so crass. Buckingham Palace is no 'Disneyland' and the Queen has nothing to do with tourism. If tourists come, that's fine, but that's not what our Queen is for.

  9. we should get rid !!!

    did you see blackadder ??? WHOS queen ?

  10. well because the world will have no social order. as mch as we hate to admit it american presidents are a form of monarchy. america was built on leaving its english roots behind yet they are so similar. if we had no person to set the laws, the world would be a very scary place to be living is now with the ****** up mentalities of some of our leaders but imagine if it were a free for all type of world.....hummmm.

  11. You do realise that if you combined the tax that the royal family pays, it's nearly as much as microsoft?  It's a common misconception that the queen doesnt pay tax, she's been paying it for years, thats an old story from long ago.  Inland revenue isn't known for messing about, and that includes the royals.

    And the queen does have power, she has to pass all new laws (although the legwork is done by parlimant) and to this day, she's the only person that can invoke a new law entirely on her own.

    And the monarchy does do an enormous amount of tourism, if you'd have watched the documentary about the royal grenadiers last night you'd see exactly how many hundreds of thousands of people come to visit buckingham palace and the royal gaurd.  That in itself brings a collassal amount of revenue in to the local area.

    She's also a serious peace keeping tool, anyone knows that although she doesn't do it, the queen has total control over military should she wish to do so.  Pissing her off isn't recomended.

    Still, yes it costs the UK to have them, but have you looked at the figures for what immigration is costing the UK about now?  Maybe you should gripe about them.

  12. we spend more than a hundred million pounds on our  royals.. EVERY YEAR!!

    still think they're good value for money?

    I say cut of their heads, light the torches or abdicate!!

  13. Yeah we should get rid of them and maybe you can take their place as Queen s**y nurse! as if you would say no if prince william asked for your hand in marriage. Tell me you would say no.

  14. Well said Zeppelin,  if Royalty brings Tourists into the Country,  why does France And America get more Visitors.

  15. Steven N pretty much hit the nail on the head.

    Like it or not we have royalty. Maybe you should research what they do, hmm?

  16. Sit on her fat **** and let the state take care of her and her cronies basically. Make an appearance during crisis, as if anyone gives a s..t. I hate royalty. Met the Duke of Edinborough once but that was only so i got my face in the paper. And i was only 14 and wacking it from school.

  17. God save Queenie!!!  She is a figure head a nd a wealth of knowledge for our PM's, unfortunately people like Blair ignore her wisdom and get us into things like Iraq.  The Queen is a uniting force that gives us an identity.  She is something we all have in common.  She is respected world wide and shows the best of the british people.  I would hate to think of the UK without the Queen!!!

  18. The point of the monarchy is,#1 as an ambassador and she has no equal in that role.Even when she visited communist China,they were falling over themselves to please her,her welcome there was overwhelming and it is the same to whatever country she goes to.#2 She is the head of state,that role could be filled by a president who would have to be elected and that would be a very costly affair and there would  not be the continuity that we have at the moment.#3 Why change something that works.Who would really want someone like George Dubbya Bush?

  19. Well when she goes, who is going to live in all her residences.Can u imagine the estate agents blurb on these.  (in need of modernisation?) etc.

  20. Well although she has no actual power she does a lot of work persuading foreign diplomats and does a lot of good for international relations.

  21. Outsider

    The monarchy is a tradition, and what she makes for a living is....well she just...anyway their life depends on your taxes.

    But it is good to have them there because prince William is gorgeous.

  22. As an American, I tend to believe the statistics suggesting that the Royals bring in more than they cost.  It seems a fairly simple economic situation to prove.

    One brilliant lady asked why the USA and France have tourists, with no Queen.  A bit simplistic, but just for the record,  just one state in the USA (California) is bigger than England.   You can barely compare the varied things to see and do in a place the size of the USA with that of England. And France:  it is my hope that France simply has more tourists because of people PASSING THROUGH France to get somewhere else, hopefully as quickly as possible.  But to give them their due, France has a far better climate generally than England.  I've never seen bevies of  bikini clad beauties soaking up the sun along the banks of the Thames.

    Now finally, and probably most importantly.  The UK is a democracy.  The folks there get to vote on their laws and the monarchy could be dissolved if the PEOPLE so wanted.  Apparently not enough people want to to chop off Elizabeth's head or Charles ears, or William's whatevers.  And I think  these fair minded people are probably FAR in the majority.

    It also comes across in these questions that the ones most interested in lopping off heads are the ones least articulate and most interested in gathering up any extra funds into their own welfare checks.

    The only thing more boring than a discussion of getting rid of the Queen, is ANY TALK FOR WHATEVER reason about the late Diana.  AND, I was invited for tea (granted, not by Her Majesty) inside Windsor Castle one Christmastime in the late 1960s(which I'm SURE means nothing to anyone but me).

    Analyze the costs of things, but give some real thought.  Change, simply for the reason of changing things seldom makes things better.

  23. The Queen is the head of state for Great Britain and Northern Ireland. She does a magnificent job, never puts a foot wrong and retains her dignity throughout adversity.

    The alternative will be a president - if you wish for Gordon Brown for president, then by all means cast your vote in whatever ballot there is available.

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