
What is the point of the british royal family?

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What is the point of the british royal family?




  1. how many times have we got to see this question?  check others answers

  2. What is the point of a president? We should all get to be pres. for a day! then we may take voting more serious!

  3. tourism.

  4. About the same pointlessness as your name I would say.

  5. I think the PRACTICAL purposes involve generating money through tourism...but they get "salaries" or "allowances" just for existing that are a great deal in sum. It's also just part of their history and traditions.

  6. Well, other than being the historical figures they are and Heads of State for many of the old Commonwealth Countries, they do actually perform some important duties.

    They make a lot of money for the tourist industry in this country, and some of them, notably Prince Andrew, tour the World as the face of industry in this country, bringing a lot of business to our shores.

    One of them is also the person our armed forces swear allegiance to, and in the current climate of bad politicians and a rapidly going down hill country, I would be happier swearing an oath to anyone of them than the country we currently have.

  7. what else we got to laugh at?

  8. there is no point.  Its about time we retired them off and had an elected head of state.

  9. Generating millions of £ through tourism.

  10. Not a lot. Let's abolish the Monarchy and establish a Socialist Republic. Oh and I'm first Chief Commissar!!!!

  11. It's cultural and a positive influence. Always having a standard of behavior to point to that has history and stability has a profound effect on people in a world of instability.

  12. I often ask myself the very same question. And I still haven't come up with a good answer.

  13. nothing anymore they're just very rich people who get respect

  14. None whatsoever!

  15. Everyone needs a figurehead,even if that figurehead gets tarnished sometimes,and they do encourage tourism.

  16. tradition and custom.  Pride in tradition, pride in culture.

  17. One point is that they bring more money into the country than it costs to support them.  Having living royalty is a real curiosity to most of the world.  I should also think that it helps to tie the people of England to their past in a way that we don't have in the US.  Each President is for four or 8 years; the royal family represents England for centuries.  It isn't important to anyone daily life, I suppose, but I would think it would add to patriotism and the continuity of your history.

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