
What is the point of trying to find sustainable life on another planet

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other than scientific data research by NASA, what's the point? Would we populate this new planet?




  1. Because this planet is being destroyed by humans so we are looking for another planet to destroy once this one gone.  

  2. We're not at all likely to populate another planet in the foreseeable future.

    But to find life on another planet would be a huge scientific discovery.  It could tell us more about ourselves and our own origins.  

    If we found intelligent life then it could be revolutionary in terms of technology and science.  The possible benefits from finding intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe are endless.

  3.   Simply to try and get some proof that we are not alone.

  4. New World Order manipulation.

    Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...


  5. Humans must continue to learn or we will destroy ourselves. Finding new life will help us understand the origins of life and advance our civilization.

    Suppose there is life on Mars. People would be shocked because some people thought that Earthlings were the only life forms in the universe.

  6. I always wonder the same thing. So there was a drop of water on Mars? How is it relevant? I have no clue. We have enough problems here on earth to worry about.

  7. scientist are looking for God and they just dont know it. they believe in aliens and ufos before they would a real God that millions around the world experience including me. think about it...they think if they find aliens they may somehow learn new technology, that would help humanity....things like living longer, time travel, God like powers or technology, new planets that they can colonize, and new insights to prove things like evoultion. why does the aliens have to be god like super intelligent beings? probally because the nonbelievers yearn to meet a naturalistic God.

    "Let's pray that the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere." -C.S. Lewis

  8. It is human nature to explore and expand the limits of our knowledge.  If we stop we are no better than animals.

  9. Finding sustainable life on another planet would affect our life here on earth. Immensely. First off, it's human nature to want to discover new places- especially to live. Like Silenus said, if we don't look, then what good are we? In fact, we need to find a new planet that's attainable soon- it's just a matter of time. Earth is becoming worn down and it's time we migrate to another world. The human race plans on expanding throughout the whole galaxy one day. What a mess we would make of our existence if all we did was linger here on earth. The universe throws much greater possibilities at us. The closer we get to finding another habitable planet that's reachable, the more we can understand not only about that planet, but about the origins of the universe itself. Too many people here on earth don't give a d**n about leaving this planet- and it's about time we step in to convince others that we not only WANT to but that we NEED to. Finding sustainable life on another planet would just be a new beginning and a new open door to many possibilities and life-changing discoveries. [Such a Hallmark card line]

  10.    It will be the longevity of the human race.  It will just take a little patience.

  11. If there is a planet that is inhabitable and within our foreseeable reach it will be important to the survival of mankind.  

    At the current rate of population increase the mass of humanity will equal the mass of Earth by the year 3500 (approximately), which clearly is impossible to sustain.  Hence, if mankind is to survive without terrible wars or famines, it is imperative to find other places to live.

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