
What is the point of tryouts? If someone who hasn't worked as hard as you gets on varsity just because of age?

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Ok, so I had tryouts a couple of days ago. I was hoping that I would get onto varsity. But I didn't, and I wasn't too upset about that. I was upset about the people that they put on varsity. Isn't a tryout suppose to to be on ability and how well you can play? That was my understanding! Anyway there were three openings for this year, only because they held the spots for the other varsity players from last year. Aren't you suppose to have a clean slate for tryouts? Guess not, and one of the girls that made it has never played volleyball before, the other one made it just because she was a junior. Now just because she is a junior doesn't mean that a sophmore isn't as good as she is, the soph. might be better. But they put her on just because of her age. And the last girl got on because of politics. I respect politics but shouldn't it be fair? This to me doesn't seem like a tryout. So shouldn't they just have them sign a roster? Please help me understand this! Please respond!!!! Confused!




  1. i know how you feel. my coach picked like 3-4 girl that had absolutely no volleyball experience in their life.  he picked them because they were tall. your coach probably also picked older and smarter girls cuz they tend to listen and understand better i guess. dont worry about getting in, just tryout again next year and woop all the other girls butts. your coach will see that you wanna be on the team by you showing up to the tryouts again and show that youve improved from last year.

  2. just brush your shoulder off and move on. take control of that jv team and show them what a mistake they made. in jv, ull be able to shine like no other.

    my freshman year i was stuck on jv too with seniors on varsity who were obviously worse. i shined so much with the lower level of play in jv that my sophomore year, not only did i move up to varsity, but became a captain.

    there's no explaining decisions like this. all u can do is make the best of it. good luck! =)

  3. People like bigger people on the team.

  4. This is a very old problem with any sport. I know, it really sucks that coaches aren't better judges of what a good team is, but that's sometimes just the way it is. I've had the exact same problem before, and I just had to deal with it. Just be happy that next year you'll probably be on varsity.

  5. I feel this is the coaches fault. If you are the better player you should be on the team. If need be confront the coach about it

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