
What is the point? why did my ex-girlfriend contact me?

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She contacts me on facebook out of no where, (she sends me a friend request with no message). Curious why after two years she writes me now. I accept and I write her a general no biggy message; she reply's once; telling me about her life and asks about me, girls in my life, (broke up 2 months ago) then I replied back, no answer since. Not really mad, just confused.

Two questions; first why did she contact me to begin with?

And second, after the contact why go incommunicado?

We were very serious, several years ago; but we have only not spoken for 2 years until recently when she contacted me.

I just would like other peoples opinions on why? If it was just a one time thing to see how I was; why leave me on her friends list?




  1. she probably regrets the brokeup with you. & hopes that u are doing fine, & curious to know if you are attached. She may be going thro a rough patch in life, & remembered u but held back after 2nd thoughts, out of pride & thinking nothing will come out betw both of u again.

    It is my personal experience too.... trying to get little updates frm our previous common friends, & juz glad knowing that he is moving on in life well....

  2. She wanted to see how you were doing after the break up. You told her and she moved on. Women can be weird sometimes.

  3. Yeah....what she said....  Why take you off?  It was a check up on an old friend.  Pulling you off of her list would be like cutting you out again.  Or finding an old picture of the two of you and taking a pair of scissors and cutting your face off.  No hard feelings....I know it was rough getting over it for you...a part of you still could be brought back if she was willing...but I don't think she sorry for you for that.  I wouldnt put much into tough sir.... accept to know that she is still alive and breathing.  and you as well for her.... good luck...

  4. it could be between two different extremes. she could still like you or she may feel a sense of "relief" of coming to terms

  5. Maybe she always wanted to be your friend after you broke up, but she was worried that you may not be ready to be friends right afterwards. You said that it was pretty serious, and she probably felt like if she were to push a friendship on you right away, that she might just hurt you even more. She may have even needed some time herself. My guess is, she's just ready to be your friend again. She's put all of her old feelings for you behind her, and she wants to move on, but she still wants you to be in her life as a friend. That's my guess.

  6. Maybe she was feeling sentimental.. maybe she just busted up with another bloke and thought you wrent so bad after all.. but hten realised that you werent for her... maybe she just wanted to make sure you are OK.

    I had a gf about 30 years ago and we broke up... She now brings her family to stay at with mine for holidays... her husband is a load of fun! We all get on well, no love lost... no animosity. Anyway stranger things have happened.

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