
What is the polite amount of time to wait to call after texting?

by  |  earlier

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Say you text a friend a question or anything else that solicits a response. What is the polite amount of time to wait for a reply before calling? (may or may not be time sensitive, but not urgent) thanks!




  1. Never. They will respond if and when they can. If they miss a timed invite, then they were either too busy or not interested.

  2. They may not have seen the text yet, if you need to get an answer, send another text asking to call when they have  time to talk, then you are putting the onus on them when they are not busy..

  3. It depends on the urgency of the message.  If you are on a deadline and are trying to make plans around this person's response, then say so in the text message and specify how long you will wait.

    If it's not urgent, then try calling when it's a good bet that the person will be free to talk to you--say during lunch hour or after work.

  4. It depends how close a friend this is... if it's a close friend.. phone him or her that day.. if this is just a pal friend.. then give it some days for  a response if it's not a close friend I believe one can talk about everything and it would actually better if its a close friend to discuss such matters in person or on the phone.. maybe the mail didnt get through.. so ok.. give it 2 days after texting to a pal... a close friend one should be able to talk to anytime... of course not late in the evening.. but otherwise wait 2 days.. the email might not have arrived there.. that can happen so you want to find out.. give it 2 days after having sent the message then phone.. to find out if it was received and ask what the response is...  xx

  5. I think 30 minutes or 1 hour. If the other person doesn't reply, it means he/she is not interested.

  6. its kind of hard to say. sometimes I won't answer a text for the whole day and other people do the same to me. Its because I am busy or I don't have my phone with me or I don't have credit or I just can't be bothered replying to texts right then or I didn't hear it. Even though I do get annoyed sometimes when i text someone and they take all day to reply. I might text them back casually that evening if i texted in the morning. kind of a nag. to call i would wait til the next day unless its urgent cos if they can't respond to a text taking a call would probably be even worse.

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