
What is the political system/ system of governance in Socialism?

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  1. To each according to their needs, from each according to their ability.

  2. Socialism means that the government owns the means of production

    in a broad sense this means factories, mines, transportation, hospitals

    and all but the smallest private enterprise.  The form of government is almost indpendent of a socialist economy.  It can be a democracy, a hereditary monarchy, or a dictatorship.  Often some combination of the degree of socialism and the type of government will exist.  Many things that are not exactly socialism claim to be..  n**i  stood for "national socialism" but was in fact a total dictatorship but with all the means of production under the control of the government it was a "socialist state"   Communism (under stalin etc was the arch enemy of the n**i) but was also a "socialist state" you need to access some more comprehensive resources as libraries of books have been written about this subject.

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