
What is the population of vietnam in 1975?

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What is the population of vietnam in 1975?




  1. tat's b4 people left VN o still in VN?

  2. Vietnam's population experienced rapid growth in the decade following reunification in 1975. Throughout the 1980s, roughly two-fifths of the population was under age 15.

    Census results of October 1979 showed the total population of reunified Vietnam to be 52.7 million of which 52 percent lived in the North and 48 percent in the South. About 19 percent of the population was classified as urban and 81 percent as rural. Females outnumbered males by 3 percent, and the average life expectancy at birth was 66 for females and 63 for males. With 52 percent of the total under 20 years of age, the population was young.

    According to Wiki, estimated populations (as of 1973) were 19.4 million people in South Vietnam and 13+ million people in North Vietnam.

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