
What is the position of religion in the Philippine Society in the contemporary times?

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It could be based on how the church is involved against corruption and war. It could also be against abortion, family planning(the use of condom) and all the others.

Please I really need help for my oral defense in anthropology class. Thanks!

*note: if ever you quote some parts from the newspaper or from the internet, please also add the source. thanks!




  1. religion is and should be as dynamic as society.  but sadly it isnt.  it becomes archaic, outmoded, outdated to many.  those whose fear is greater remains and with trepidations.  that's why we are merely religious 'cos of inheritance from our foreparents.

    many of us have stopped practicing it.  merely in name as there is no alternative.  or we dont bother to find out.

    in anthro - society progresses and change.  so likewise with religion - it shld accommodate the changes in our society.  we r no longer living in the 17th century.

    contemporary issues are not addressed by religion.  instead it comes out strong agst innovation.  lets get practical.  

    religion shld realize that they are losing more adherents than retaining them.

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