
What is the positive and negative thing of being a person of indian origin in mauritious ?

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anytime felt proud or regredt for being a person of indian origin ?




  1. When you have nothing to compare it to, how can you regret it? I was born into the Indo heritage and I'll die that way too. There is nothing to regret. My life is what it is because of the choices I make. If I had had blond hair and blue eyes would my life be different? Of course... but who's to say it would be better?

    As far as pride, I feel pride in the accomplishments of Trinidad and Tobago as a whole. For example,  I don't look at Naipaul and admire him because he's an Indo-Trinidadian; I feel proud of what his accomplishments say about our country as a whole.

    Our country is way too focused on race and not in a good way. I would rather not be a part of that mentality.

  2. i wouldnt know i'm trini - not from Mauritius thats a whole other country !!! hehe but there isnt anything positive/negative abt being of indian origin or any other origin for that matter- you are who you are in terms of ancestry - its your personality that differs and matters .

  3. I am not Indian - but regardless of my ethnicity - I am proud of my heritage!  You should too - I can't think of any negative thing to say

  4. My ancestors were from India. I have not regrets, I'm very proud of the cultures.I am a trini and extra proud of that.

    Here all the cultures blend together is so wonderful. Africian, Indian, Spanish, Chinese.

    we celebrate each other festivals. Divali, Christmas, Eid Ul Fitr, Easter, Indian Arrival, Emancipation day....

  5. i am of indian descent and i an proud of my heritage.  people should accept you for who you are and not because of religion or color of skin.  the first rule is to love yourself.

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