
What is the possibility of a yahoogroup getting hacked?

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someone who is NOT a member of our group at least not listed under the email address he used, emailed a member offlist with sexually explicit content. We can't figure out who he is -- the msg he wrote refers to the member's email to the list. So how could he possibly read our posts if we're a member-only group???




  1. I am the owner of several Yahoo Groups.  These are set up so only Members should be able to read and post messages.  Also only Mermbers should be able to view the Message 'Archive'.  

    However I came across this that has  set up an RSS Feed to my Yahoo Group, making all our Groups Message Posts avilabl;e to anyone accessing that!

    At first I thought it some Member who must be doing this, but even after changing the Settings to 'Achive - OFF', my new Messages, discussing this Yahoo Groups 'security breach', appeared on that Blog!

    I have reported it to Yahoo Groups 'Abuse', and waiting for their reply.

    If they can get access to Messages, supposedly only available to Members, perhaps they can get e-mail addresses also?

    David Whittall

  2. maybe the member uses that e-mail more than just with that group. there's no way  to know for sure it's related to your group at all.

    however, about all yahoo groups are member-only with some area's set to anyone or public. if your group is closed/ invite only, the archives have no option for 'anyone' (meaning non members can read posts) you'd need to look at your management- under group settings messages- Posting and Archives (Edit) <-- click the edit, and be sure all area's say members. if they do, and your group settings are restricted membership or closed/ invite only, look around for newer members who have yet to post- look in your activity logs for that address since members can change them.

    hacking into a group can happen, but why go through such effort to post a private e-mail to a member? hackers do way more damage than that if they ever make it into a group, and generally when one get's into a group it's due to a compromised account.

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