
What is the potential impact of the National Security Directive on this presidential election?

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On 5/9/07, while most Americans were watching reality TV, President Bush signed into law, the National Security Directive.Under this new law, when President determines that a national emergency has occurred, he can take control over all government and business activities until he feels that the threat is over. This power includes cancelling Presidential elections. Bush has granted himself the absolute power of a dictator with no response from the masses, as usual.

I have to ask, why would Bush create the most powerful Presidential position in the history of the U.S., then turn it over to someone else, especially when he can legally hold the position indefinitely?

Denial will not make this reality dissapear, some thing has never felt right about this election, especially with the two candidates that are left. Does anyone else see a potential problem coming?




  1. there are other executive orders that have been on the books since Mr. Clinton (see the "Mr." there...a little respect for the office, if you will....) was president.  these are not anything new.  that scenario will never happen.

  2. The fact that the potential impact can happen is enough to make your blood boil-----if looked at real close it may be found to be unconstitutional-----that would probably come too late.------

    "The Apathy Of The Masses Will Be The Downfall Of This Nation"

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