
What is the potential of biofuels in the green movement?

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i want both positives and negatives please. be blunt and truthful.




  1. If you are referring specifically to ethanol, I think it's a huge mistake. First of all, we're putting our food in our gas tanks. Corn is what ethanol is produced from in the US. As a result the cost of corn has increased resulting in higher food cost from beef, chicken and all the products that come from them. This would include all dairy products. In addition, farmers that used to grow other crops are now producing corn as it makes them more money due to the artifically inflated prices.

    Ethanol costs more to transport. It cannot be sent through pipelines like oil, therefore it must be trucked This is very costly as well as environmentally unfriendly.

    Not last of all is that ethanol blend gasoline shortens the life of the internal combustion engine as opposed to gasoline.

  2. E85 is a gun pointing forwards and backwards. While it is clean and efficient, it requires a whole lot of energy to make. Forests will also be cut down to make room for farmland to grow corn for E85.

    Small diesel cars are efficient, but their emissions is something to debate over.

    I believe that hydrogen is a good way to go.

  3. I think the bio-fuel is on the right track for green living. However, it is too costly by extracting it from corns or other agricultural products. As the most recent report showed that the bio-fuel could replace 1% of the gasoline drives. It will steer up the food prices, too. The best bet is to use the hydrogen molecule compressed engine for the future drive. Solar and wind generating electricity is the approach to green living in the future.

    I think if the Hong Kong government can restrict the local power generating stations and disallow them to use the coal-fired generators and the bunker fuel for ferry boats and diesel trucks. According to the Hong Kong magazine, May 16, 2008, an article published by John Roberston, indicating these ccontaminatedfuels caused the 35% of Hong Kong yearly dark crowdy sky.The potential of bio-fuel could make money for the corn growers as the political and public pressure towards green living. However, it is impractical and ineffective for long run. Alternatively, the wind and solar power is only good choices.

  4. Good points:

    Reduce oil usage

    less emission of greenhouse gases

    Can be solution for oil shortage problems

    Bad points:

    Increasing food prices( especially corn, sugarcane, wheat, used to make biofuel)

    energy used to harness may even be more wasting than oil burning

    Some people rejects this idea as it will be difficult for them to change that easily.

  5. bio-fuels are great they'll make a difference but their a paper tiger .

    with no major corporate retooling it'll never have a chance with the masses because the cost will be to high.

    the green movements all about high income people showing off their clout not actual help for the economy or wold.

    a good example are the so called (tree hugers) no encroachment people into wild lands but let  us build our houses ut their so the wild fires caused by no fire roads or real fire fighting measures lets just send people out with shovels and picks can you say STUPID.  

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